Monday, April 9, 2018

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 151

“Beating the House" Sonic Versus Everyone II - Sonic the Hedgehog #188

So this is the second half of a story arc that involves Mammoth Mogul, who escaped prison two issues ago while also freeing Team Hooligan and Ixis Naugus. If you remember they were captured back during 173.

However we’re not concerned about the main story here but rather it’s cliffhanger. 

Remember Scourge and Fiona? They were kicking around on main Mobius for a while but left during the Enerjak Reborn arc. 
There’s not much about that arc that concerns Bunnie and Ant but for this scene. But if you’re interested; Locke is dead, all the echidna’s are now living in Albion except for the Dark Legion who have joined forces with Eggman, and oh warp rings are now available as a form of transport in the comic. 
The ending of this story shows where Scourge and Fiona went using their super charged warp ring.  
This is little more then a prologue for the upcoming story arc. Scourge is now the king of Anti-Mobius and the Suppression Squad doesn’t care for Fiona but puts up with her presumably because of him. 

Their dynamic and interpersonal problems will be further expanded upon later, but for now I like the little interplay between Patch, Ali, and Fiona. I ship Anti-Antoine and Anti-Sally and it’s little scenes like this as to why I do.

Now I don’t think they are in any way a healthy couple or that Patch even really  cares for her, but rather there’s an undercurrent of understanding between them. They both enjoy flirting, manipulating others for their own ends, and admire and crave power. In short I can totally see them teaming up and trying to take over their home world using shadowy politics and assignations with Patch being the brains of the outfit and Ali being the public face of the duo. Flirting all the while and planing on stabbing each other in the back. 

That’s it for this installment but be sure to tune in next week when we start on what is my favorite story arc proper.

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