Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 141

“The Gathering” Order from Chaos I - Sonic the Hedgehog #168 

So this story follows up with the infected by nanites plot that was set up back in issue 159.  In fact this story resolves multiple dangling pot threads. So many in fact that few receive the focus they deserve. 
Take Bunnie and the rest of the infected mobians for instance. 
These are the only two pages we spend with her. We can tell she’s clearly upset but we get little to no reflection on how much this event has impacted her as we race to the next plot point. What’s worse is that none of the infected individuals interact at all during this story. What could have been an interesting character piece for some underused players takes a back seat to the ongoing plot instead. 

One thing I’ll always commend Ian Flynn for is that he doesn’t ignore what came before. He takes previous lore, characters, and developments and builds off them. So many other writers will pick up a series and then, desperate to make their mark, will completely throw everything out the window and “start fresh.” In what is meant to be a continuity heavy medium that can get rather annoying for the audience. 

Unfortunately though, in an effort to wrap up everything neatly before moving on to new stories, we some times get story arcs like this that feel like we’re just checking off a laundry list of to-do-stuff. Interesting ideas and potential character developments are skipped over in favor of exposition and action beats in order to cram everything in. 

Anyways ADAM has taken over Tommy Turtle’s body and captured Shadow, Tails, and Jules. We’ll return to this story later and it’s impact on the universe, but until then join just next time when we slow down for a bit and look at one of the few actual character pieces this era. 

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