Friday, May 19, 2017

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 140

“Hedgehog Day” - Sonic the Hedgehog #167

So this story is an obvious parody of Groundhog Day and it’s also another birthday story. 


Wait! What? Why?!

We just had a birthday story seven issues ago. You can’t tell me that another year has passed since then. And if not, then where do we place this story in the timeline and how would that effect everybody’s ages? 

Well there’s three options. 

First, this is just a late celebration to make up for his last party being crashed by bad guys. The announcer on the radio even suggests as much in the opening scene. 


However the radio announcer doesn’t specify which attack it was and between the two b-day stories we’ve had a couple of weeks of various attacks. It makes little sense for everybody throw a second party so late afterwards especially when another attack could happen at any time. Besides Sonic had a blast at the first party and told Rotor and the others not worry about it. 

The second option is that this is a flash back to a previous birthday. We have one missing from the early years as I pointed out back in my review of #68. You could place this story right before Mecha Madness and the timeline and ages wouldn’t change. 

Unfortunately there’s some continuity nods that interfere with that placement. Primarily the mention of Mina, Sonic’s green eyes, and Sally’s long hair. Now I can ignore the new designs given the widely varied artwork in this series but Mina existing before issue 76 not so much. 

That leads us into the third option. This took place some time during the 100s before Sonic went into space. It makes the most sense. Mina is around and singing while Sonic and Sally started to sport their newer designs. Plus there’s an awful lot of stories that even with the time skip suggests more then just two years passed.    

Even the Archie Continuity on the Sonic Wiki places it between #120 and #121. Now I would personally move that up a bit to right after Heart Held Hostage. But the point still stands. Acknowledging that Sonic had a birthday before going into space that would place everyone a year ahead of there “official” ages. 
  • Sonic - 18 (because of the time skip)
  • Sally & Rotor - 19
  • Bunnie -20
  • Antoine - 21
  • Tails & Amy - 13
Only Tails just said he was a eleven a few issues ago so maybe he’s younger then Amy? 


I don’t know but I’m sticking with option number three anyways. What do you guys think? 

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