Saturday, May 6, 2017

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 138

“System Reboot” Shadow Returns III  &  “The Despicable Dr. Robotnik: "Insidious" - Sonic the Hedgehog #159

We have a very short review for today. I just wanted to point out a few things. 

In the first story Knothole is attacked by a whole horde of Metal Sonics where we find out that Antoine has kept his title of Commander despite his evil counterpart earning that rank for him. 
While it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, I’m actually fine with this revelation. For starters Antoine has been head of the royal guard for years anyways during the first Robotnik war and he’s more than proved himself responsible at leading several times before this. Plus it’s just nice to see that everyone trusts him in spite of the mess Patch caused. 

PS. Why on earth is Bunnie carrying a bow and arrow when she has a laser cannon?   
In the second story Robotnik hits upon the idea of infecting individuals with nanites, specifically individuals with robot components. These people are Jules, Nicole, Tommy Turtle, and Bunnie. 
This is a direct follow up from the “Bunnie captured by the nanties” plot back in issue 152. All in all it’s an interesting idea that takes advantage of some unique characters who don’t come together often despite having so much in common. Unfortunately this is all setup for a future story, one that won’t fully explore the ramifications of this action and one that doesn’t lend itself to character development. Shame because this this set up would have been perfect for exploring this characters more. 

However I’m going to blame the lack of follow up on the changing of the guard as this is Penders last story. Next issue will start in on Ian Flynn’s run on the comic. So until then viewers. 

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