Thursday, May 11, 2017

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 139

“Giving and Receiving” & “Birthday Boys” Birthday Bash I & II - Sonic the Hedgehog #160 & #161  

We have a couple of notable issues today. This is the first story ever written by Ian Flynn and the first story to be drawn by fan favorite Tracy Yardley, but most importantly it’s another birthday episode. 
According to Rotor Sonic missed a birthday while traveling through space and it’s been two years since issue 68. This puts everyone at…
  • Sonic - 17 (because of the time skip)
  • Sally & Rotor - 18 
  • Bunnie - 19 
  • Antoine - 20 
  • Tails & Amy - 12 
Though Tails did say he was eleven just a few issues ago so his birthday must come after Sonic’s. 

 However there is one story that we’ll cover in the near future that could possibly throw a monkey wrench into the works, but more on that later. 

In the meantime here are some highlights to take note of….
This is the first appearance of Bean the Dynamite and Bark the Polar Bear. Bark is the silent strong man type and Bean is basically a G rated version of Deadpool. 

I fucking love Bean! But unfortunately his interaction with Bunnie and Antoine is practically nonexistent so we won’t see him often in this retrospective. 
Fiona is finally given a personality and a story purpose beyond just “the love interest”. As stupid and forced as the whole Sally/Sonic/Fiona/Tails love triangle is, at least Flynn manages to give the characters life and unique dynamics.     
Scourge gets a recolor and a permanent boost in power from the Master Emerald. 

And Antoine is the one to defeat Bark. 
That’s it for this retrospective, be sure to tune in next week! 

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