Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 143

“Truth of the Heart” - Sonic the Hedgehog 172

Here’s the official solicitation for this issue…. “ Just in time for Valentine’s Day, we ramp up the romantic intrigue… but don’t worry, as always the stakes are high in the world of Sonic! As more of Fiona Fox’s mysterious past is revealed, Sonic must face shocking secrets that will leave him torn between his new girlfriend and the friends he has loved and fought for all these years. Not only that, but one of her revelations sets off a series of events that will lead to one of the most senses-shattering cliffhangers in years! Which of Sonic’s allies will be pushed to the brink? This is one issue you won’t want to miss!”

Well it is Valentines Day so I can’t think of a better day to get back to this review series. However I think the solicitation over sells the story a bit. Most of the important stuff actually happens next issue. Heck, Bunnie’s not even in the story despite being on the cover. 
So what does happen actually? 

Well Fiona does a face heel turn and dumps Sonic for Scourge. This is quite possibility the best thing to ever happen to the character. It makes her stand out from other Sonic characters as she’s a good guy turned villain, solely because she enjoys it! Though there’s also enough going on beneath the surface to suggest there’s more facets to her beyond just that.  
It’s also leads to one of Scourge’s best scenes. 
This scene is the reason why I like Scourge. He’s not solely an “Evil Sonic” who does bad thing’s just cause. He’s a Sonic who makes poor choices. He decided to go down the wrong path. This element of free will means that not only could the main Sonic go down an equally dark path if pressed, but that there could be redemption for Scourge as well. 
Now I have no delusions that the comic would ever go in this direction; even if it hadn’t ended. Mandates for one thing and pathetic Scourge receiving comeuppance is too much fun for another, but it’s an element that adds layers to the characters. 

Not just to Sonic either. If all of the anti-mobians have free will and aren’t just “born bad” then it calls into question how much of a product of their environment are they. Last review, Antoine mentioned he pitied them. I also discussed how he himself has clanged due to being trapped in that environment.  

So is Patch completely irredeemable? If so, then what happened to him to stomp all of the good out of him? Could a similar fate drive our Antoine over the edge? Or has he already faced that trial and over came it? 

Questions to think about but sadly stuff that’ll be only explored in fan-fiction. 

As for what Antoine contributes to this story, he just shows up at the end to set up the cliff-hanger for the next issue. 
And we’ll discuss that issue next time on the retrospective! 

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