Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 145

“Union” - Sonic the Hedgehog 174

It’s finally here! The big day has arrived! The wedding to culminate the greatest romance ever! 

Only one question remains…..
What music do you think Bunnie walked down the aisle with? 

I wanna say, something traditional and classical sounding like Mendelssohn’s Marchor Tchaikovsky’s Love Theme, but this is a post apocalyptic earth where such music may not have survived. Could be Mina composed something special for them as a wedding present or traditional music in Mobius could sound more ancient and folkish? As long as it’s not bloody “Here Comes the Bride” cause, fuck Wagner. 

Anyways enough semantics let’s get to the story proper.

We actually open with Sonic and Tails getting ready for the festivities first, but we come to our heroes soon enough and we find Antoine with cold feet. Not because he has doubts about marring Bunnie or anything, he’s just worried about tripping or fainting or doing something else embarrassing during the ceremony. Fortunately the Chaotix are there to cheer him up.
Oh how I love it when Ant interacts with Chaotix. It’s always hilarious. 

Next we check in on Bunnie. 
All of this is so fucking perfect! Bunnie and Sally just hanging out and interacting as actual best friends, something we haven’t seen in ages it feels like. Call backs to Bunnie’s other life goals, awesome. Sally acknowledging Antoine as good catch even he personally wasn’t the right one for her. Bunnie’s spot on description of her and Ant’s relationship. Rosie!!! Antoine’s adoptive mother is rightfully front and center during the proceedings and for once not completely forgotten about.  
After we check in on a few others, have some more sonally teasing, and see some ominous hints towards the future; we come to the cemony itself and it’s as wonderful as you could imagine. 
Oh yeah and Espio is off having a solo adventure that ties into the next issue but who cares! LOOK AT MY BABIES GETTING MARRIED!!! 
Also fun fact, but from this point on Ant and Bunnie are always shown with those wedding rings. Barring the occasional coloring error or art mistake, they’re officially incorporated into their designs now. 
It’s been a wild ride; 15 years, over a 174 issues, and 145 reviews. From not even knowing each other, to allies in a war, to friends, to lovers, through heart ache, troubling trials, and personal character growth. This is perhaps the most satisfying thing to read ever. A near pitch perfect story, plenty of time spent on the titular protagonists while also delving deeper into the world and letting the character justexist. All while still setting up plot points and throwing in just a little bit of action but not enough to distract. It’s the perfect pay-off for what is perhaps the longest running sub-plot in the series, and best of all? It’s only the beginning for whole new story lines, not the end of one.  

Next week we’ll look into what Espio discovered….

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