Tuesday, March 6, 2018

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 146

“Eggman Empire” Eggman Empire I - Sonic the Hedgehog #175

So for this event issue Eggman finally attacks Knothole and blows it to kingdom come. Kicking off a story arc that would irreparably change the course of the comic. 
So what purpose does Bunnie and Ant serve to this story? 

Not much. Other then to get capture the same as everyone else. 
The whole point of this first act to the story arc is to isolate Sonic from, well literally everyone, so that Eggman can not only beat on him physically but psychologically and emotionally as well. It’s one of those “bring the hero to his lowest breaking point and then build him back up” types of stories, only it doesn’t fully work because well Sonic never quits or even considers it, he’s too much a fundamental optimist. Also, because the book can’t go too far and actually kill everyone off.    

I’m not saying this a determent to the story but rather a cleaver subversion of the usual tropes. Eggman’s failing here is that he arrogantly assumes Sonic would behave in this conventional manner. 

However all of this does beg one question. Why are Bunnie and Ant hanging out at Freedom HQ instead of going on they’re honeymoon? The wedding was just like a day ago. Even if they didn’t have any travel plans wouldn’t they at least want some alone time with one another and spend the next few days at home? 
My best guess was that they did have plans to leave on a romantic trip and was there packing for it. 

That pretty much concludes this era and we’ll come back for a recap soon. However before closing out I wanted to note a few quick things. 

One, it turns out that I misremembered and that the Rouge/Knuckles/Julie-Su triangle isn’t quite dead and buried yet. 
Please let this die soon. I’m so tired of love triangles. 

And twoRotor breaks his back while saving Tails. 
It’s a plot point that, for better or worse, comes to affect the character all the way up until the reboot. 

Finally three, Eggman knew the location of Knothole since before the lost in space arc. Why has it taken this long to attack in force? What line of defense was there besides the FFs? 

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