Wednesday, March 28, 2018

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 149

“Home, New Home” Eggman Empire III - Sonic the Hedgehog #177

This issue is something of a “cool down” story. It resolves the arc but it also functions as a slow character piece almost like a bookend to “Union”. The story hints at future plot points, reiterates where certain characters are in their development, while also establishing the new stat quo and where characters will progress from here. 

Sally is one of these characters. She makes a resolve to take back control of her life and Bunnie and Antoine help her along on this road to recovery. 
It’s no “telling Max to shove it where the sun don’t shine” moment. (Sadly we’ll never get to see that) But it is still an important step forward, one that’s been building up since Antoine’s return. 

It’s pretty significant that Sally comes to this revelation with both Bunnie and Ant present and not just because they’re two of her best friends. As Antoine states himself here, he’s made no shortage of mistakes in the past. But not only has he overcome his previous shortcomings and is now a respected hero in his own right, his love ones have always supported him and believed in him even before that. Bunnie for her part, has faced no shortage of hardship and trauma and yet has still found happiness and purpose in her life. They’re inspirational, and if they can do all that then Sally can do it to.  

So after everyone gets together to kick Eggman’s ass. 
Sally shows off her new ‘do to signify her return to her roots, letting the audience know of Ian’s plans to progress Sally beyond her submissive abusive relationship with her dad. 
also let’s end this awesome arc with a awesome panel because I love the artwork from this era. 
Next we’ll tackle House of Cards….sort of. 

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