Wednesday, March 28, 2018

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 148

“Cracking the Empire”Eggman Empire II - Sonic the Hedgehog #176

We start right where we left off last issue. Eggman has destroyed Knothole and captured everyone. Sonic’s been beaten to a pulp but fortunately Tails, Amy, Knux, and Nicole manged to escape and they formulate a plan. 
While Eggman is gloating they bust in and free everyone while Nicole reprograms the transporter. Which takes them all to New Mobotropolis, rebuilt useing ADAM’s old nanite tech. 
Like last issue this story is important to everyone and the over all story, however Bunnie and Ant themselves get very little to do. Fortunately this will change in the next part. 

But before I close out for this week I wanted to point out just a few things. 

Nicole now can keep her Mobian form within the city making her a fully fledged member of the cast and not just a fancy tool. 
Charmy Bee is injured by the egg grapes, (a plot device that’s been simmering in the background since the Return to Angel Island arc two era’s ago) He’s been permanently disabled since then. 
On the one hand consequences and showing that Eggman’s plan is dangerous is a good thing. On the other hand this tragic development is treated to comedic effect as an excuse to bring the character closer to his game’s counterpart, who isn’t nero-divergent but just a literal child in that continuity. It feels off and unintentionally insulting. Like the comic doesn’t even bother to give a name to his disorder. I think they’re going for something similar to dementia, but instead of showcasing serious symptoms they just make him sillier and slightly dumber to mirror his cloud-cuckoo-lander personality from the games. 
oh and the art work is gorgeous. I love all the little details thrown in, like Bunnie’s and Mighty’s shells being cracked cause they both tried to bust out or Elias grasping his wife and child as they escape. 
It’s little background touches like that that make this comic sing. 

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