Tuesday, May 15, 2018

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 156

“Cross World Conflict!” Otherside II - Sonic the Hedgehog #194

There’s not much in the way of character development to talk about here. Really this issue is mainly just fights and important plot stuff. 

Here’s the run down of what you need to know. 

The FFs and the Anti’s finally team up to take down Scourge and a big fight ensues. 
All save for Fiona that is.  
This is the only character beat we really get so appreciate it. 
In the confusion Miles takes the opportunity to trap Scourge, Sonic, and Amy back on Anti-Mobius along with Rosy and Buns.  
Oh and Rob and Silver show up. 
Which will lead into the next arc Hedgehog Havoc. 

In the meanwhile Snively’s made a new friend. 
Isn’t that nice. 

Really this is all just setting up the pieces for future stories. As for the next arc, seeing as it’s the overall conclusion to the Anti-Mobius stuff, I will cover it briefly but will probably condense it down to a single review as Bunnie and Ant really have nothing to do with it. 

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