Tuesday, May 22, 2018

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 157

“Hedgehog Havoc - Part One” Hedgehog Havoc I - Sonic the Hedgehog #195

I read through both issues of Hedgehog Havoc and while this issue doesn’t have a lot to discuss, I felt like I had enough material in the second to flesh out a full review and combining the two would make things too long.   

So here’s the low down. Every vaguely hedgehog type character in the comic comes together to fight. This is, Sonic, Amy, Scourge, Rosy, Shadow, Metal Sonic, Silver, and even Rob O’Hedge.   

Which means we now have to say goodbye to Buns just because she’s not a hedgie… :( 
Alas we hardly knew ye! 

That’s perhaps the biggest criticism of this particular story arc. It introduces many potential new ideas and characters, only to shove them aside for giant fight scenes with other completely different extraneous characters. 

However what we do get is such unadulterated purely stupid fun, that I can’t get mad at it.    
Scourge is like an evil Daffy Duck, that one arrogant loser that you love seeing get shat on by the universe. 

Now for some interesting plot tit-bits you may want to store away for later readers. 

First Silver is here to find a traitor among the Freedom Fighters.  
This is Silver’s prime motivation through out the entire pre-reboot era. Right now he thinks it’s Sonic, but all of the FFs will eventually come under suspicion. Including our favorite coyote, and oh boy is that a doozy of an issue….

Second, turns out Rob may have a brother…
Just saying…

And last off Scourge goes super… closing out the first part. 
Tune in next week when we finally wrap up the Anti-Mobius plot. 

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