Saturday, June 9, 2018

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 158

“Hedgehog Havoc - Part Two” Hedgehog Havoc II - Sonic the Hedgehog #196

We start this issue off with the Freedom Fighters and the Suppression Squad arguing over weather or not to follow Scourge and Sonic back to the anti-mobius. 

The FFs want to rescue Sonic and Amy and the SSs agree to go only to make sure that Scourge has been defeated. 
Tensions are still running high and both Patch and Antoine are ready to kill one another. They have a enough sense though to hold off until the real immediate threat, Scourge, is done with. Which on the one hand highlights both of their priorities, Patch with self preservation and Antoine with making sure everyone is safe. Sadly though we can say goodbye to any chance of seeing Patch getting his comeuppance because Super Scourge gets the drop on them. 
And just starts to wail on everybody. 
He takes everyone out one by one. 
Also Scourge calls her Ally! Head-cannon confirmed!

Sally gets the idea get the idea to have everyone dog pile him all at once, in the hopes of holding him until his super form wears off. 
Only it doesn’t work. 
In the anti-mobius Super Forms last longer and are slightly stronger then those on Mobius Prime. Which gets Sonic to thinking of how else the super forms might differ. He tricks Scourge into depowering by appealing to his ego and…
This admittedly, comes kind of out of nowhere as we the audience don’t know all that much about super forms. We just have to take Sonic’s word for it.  

But anyways after a bad ass speech we cut to the FFs taking the star posts, going home, and oh look Buns is back. 
Behold the one and only time that Bunnie and Anti-bunnie are on panel together, and they don’t even interact or anything. 

More interesting however is the next page where we get some foreshadowing with the Suppression Squad.  
Due to unfortunate circumstances this won’t go anywhere. In fact this is the last time we see any of the antis save for Scourge himself. Which is a shame because these panels hint at an interesting power dynamic.

 It’s been confirmed else where that Ally doesn’t ever take charge herself. So Miles, the manipulative mastermind and brains of the team, rules from the shadows. Considering that power among villains is constantly changing hands, it would have been entertaining to see Patch and Miles piloting to stab each other in the back given that their both sneaks instead of powerhouses.    

It also would have been nice to see a squeal where Antoine, Bunnie, and Sally got a proper fight against Patch…….
C'est la vie, I suppose. 

And thus we finally wrap up the Anti-Mobius plot. We still have the 25 event arc to cover though before we can finish off  the era and I’ll be skimming through that over the next week. 

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