Saturday, June 23, 2018

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 161

“Change in Management” The Iron Invasion I - Sonic the Hedgehog #201

Sonic and friends are celebrating Eggman’s defeat, only to be interrupted by Monkey Khan who warns them of the Iron Queen. Meanwhile Snively and Regina secure their power with in the empire and Espio has turned traitor. 

This story is mainly just set up for Ian’s next big epic plot, The Iron Domain. Unfortunately only some of the arcs within it are given titles, so I’m going with The Iron Invasion for now.  

As for what Bunnie and Ant contribute, not much yet. Though they will become bigger players later on. However we do get more indication that Antoine has become Elias’s right hand man. 
It’s a seemingly small thing, but showing Elias growing trust and reliance upon Antoine now, will have a greater impact later on when we get to a certain future story. 

Before closing out I just want to talk about my love for Regina and Snively. 
They’re my second favorite couple in the book next to Buntoine. They respect and adore one another. When problems arise within their relationship they communicate and work through it. They even inspire each other to be better people; in their own evil way. But best of all, what ever relationship drama they go through it’s all natural development that stems from the characters’ personal issues. It’s the most natural progression any pairing ever had in the comic.  

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