Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 162

“Surprise Visit” Heavy is the Head I - Sonic the Hedgehog #203

We’ve skipped an issue but all that happen was Sonic and Khan got their asses kicked. However in this issue the invasion goes underway in full force. 
So while Sonic has faced the Iron Queen before, he just thought her an ordinary magic user like Naugus or Mogul. However turns out, unbeknownst to our hero, she is a techno-mage specifically. Using this ability she’s able to get past Nicole’s nanites and can control robotics….like Bunnie’s for instance. 
What follows are some harrowing images of her desperately pleading as she attacks her friends and family.  
Fortunately, as she’s not fully robian, she can fight back against her cyborg limbs a little. 
But it’s not enough. 
Now outside of some sweet, sweet angst there’s not much going on here in terms of development and as such I’m finding it difficult to find things to talk about other then just running commentary. 

However we do get official confirmation about how her limbs work. 
This adds back in some pathos to her character. Since she’s come to terms with how she looks, her cybernetics are no longer an identity issue but now a psychical one. The very things used to help keep her friends alive can now potentially kill her. It also retroactively places a limitation on her powers, so as to explain why she’s not as much of a heavy hitter like Sonic or Knuckles. 

As for how her limbs actually “run off her life force”, that’s a little fuzzy though. Does her blood pump through them? Is that microchip I talked about in issue 3 really there and powering her limbs using the electromagnetic pluses her brain creates? Does over exertion short circuit her brain then? Or does using her cybernetics too much effect her heart and lungs the same way over exercising effects normal people, because she’s in constant motion and using her non-robotics at the same time as her cybernetics?  
Also Antoine blatantly says he’s going to kill Regina in that middle panel. Further proving his morality shift since his stay on anti-mobius. 

Here’s the translation btw,  “Monstre! Je vais vous tuer!” =  “MonsterI will kill you!”

Fortunately Monkey Khan comes in and saves her at the last second. 
Unfortunately, Monkey Khan is also a cyborg and gets immediately taken over instead.  
Oh and here’s a “fun” parallel. 
I’ll just leave this here to further fuel your angst fests. 

Also everybody’s still getting use to Bunnie’s name changing. 

Next week we’ll probably be hopping over to Sonic Universe, so you’ll see the conclusion to this arc in two weeks time. Until then free to play some catch up on the previous review.  

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