Sunday, February 24, 2019

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 176

A “NSFW” Valentine’s Day Special 

First off, I apologize for this being way later than I originally promised. A lot of personal stuff went down, then it was the holidays, and then the Tumblr purge happened and I wanted to see what it would do, and though I think I‘ve found a work around, I wanted to wait till V-day to post since I thought it’d be a nice way to celebrate. 

So what is this Valentine’s special? Well, below the “keep reading” I’ll be discussing potential head-cannons for how Bunnie’s robotics work, how they may effect her physical relationship with Antione, and possible fun bedroom head cannons that I and other contributors have come up with. Mainly concerning the pre-reboot continuity. 

(Sadly though, there will be no visuals as I’m staying on the safe side with Tumblr.) 

Theory #1 - Bunnie is fully robotic from the waist down. 

How does it work: It’s simple enough. All of Bunnie’s organic parts have been replaced by robotics. Not just her limbs but her interior organs as well, meaning instead of a digestive system she has wires and gears, ect. Which means no vagina to speak of. 

Evidence for:  This is a pretty popular fan theory as it’s the most tragic. It means she can no longer enjoy and take part in things she once did as a fully organic being. Hence an added intensive for her desire to be normal besides just feeling “different” or unattractive. And after all, why would Robotic need robots who could eat or reproduce? Wouldn’t robotization get rid of those features? 

Evidence against: There’s actually a lot of evidence against this particular theory. For starters Bunnie has been seen eating and drinking on panel, something she wouldn’t do if she no longer had a working digestive system. Second, how would she even live with out a working digestive system? Also Robotnic didn’t invent robotization, so it’s possible that’s simply not how it works. Third there’s several times where she’s drawn with an organic tail, hinting that she’s not 100% robotic from the waist down. (thought you could site that as an artist error, but it comes up a lot through out the series by lots of different artists, so…) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Last but not least, Ian Flynn has stated in questionnaires online, I believe it’s on Bumbleking forums, that Bunnies robotics, to quote, “function just like organic parts would”. That’s not a definitive statement off how much her body is robotized but it does shoot this theory in the water. 

How does it effect her relationship: Well if she doesn’t have a vagina or a bum than she can’t have penetrative sex. She can however pleasure Antoine in other ways so there’s still grounds for a physical relationship, even if she can’t get off herself. 

Sexy head-cannons: Regardless of how her robotics work, I would think Bunnie would still be into oral. Given how insecure she is of her robotics, giving oral would take the focus off of herself allowing her to be less self conscious. Plus she just enjoys the funny faces Antoine makes when she’s pleasuring him. 

Theory #2 - Bunnie is fully robotic from the waist down, but her robotics function the same as her flesh and blood organs and limbs would.  

How does it work: Basically she has a digestive system and a vagina but they’re all fully metal and cybernetic. 

Evidence for: Flynn’s comments on how Bunnie’s robotics work would be well reflected here. Also given that Uncle Chuck originally invented the robotizer as a medical treatment it makes sense that your vital organs would still be intact and working even if they were metal. 

Evidence against: If Robians have working organs than why is it repeatedly shown that they don’t need food, or sleep, or other basic bodily functions? Plus you can still she her fully organic tail is some panels. 

How does it effect her relationship: Well even with a metal vagina, penetrative sex  would be theatrically possible, but it’s questionable how much pleasure she would get from it as she wouldn’t be able to feel things the same way as if she was organic. Also how safe it would be for Antione is questionable as well. Plus it’d either be really really cold or really really hot down there at any given time. 

Sexy head-cannons: On the occasions where I’ve seen Bunnie and Antoine’s sex life discussed online the subject of toys tends to come up. For insistent I’ve had one follower suggest that Antoine might be into pegging, which would most likely involve a dildo of some sort. As for this particular headcannon, if Bunnie truly is fully metal down there, then she might enjoy strong vibrators as they could give her some sensation down there. Even if it’s not quite the same as being titillated. (And even if she is organic then, hey vibrators are always fun)   

Theory #3 - Bunnie is partly robotic through out her whole body

How does it work: So rather than being fully metal from the waist down, or fully organic from the legs up (minus her arm), Bunnie would have some cybernetics integrated into her mostly flesh body. Like she’d have a working vagina but you could see glowing wires and pieces of metal from where the robotization process started but then was stopped half way through. 

Evidence for: Well the robotization process was stopped before it could be completed. Also it makes sense that there would be parts of her body that we can’t see that would be robotic as well. Like a robotic spine to support her limbs, a computer chip attached to her nervous system to control said limbs, and/or various wires and cybernetic components that could convert her “life force” as it’s called into a usable energy for her limbs, ect. ect.  

Evidence against: Theoretically, if there’s various bits and pieces of robotics through out her body instead of just her limbs then there should be more visible parts than just her limbs as well. 

How does it effect her relationship: Lots and lots of lube. Also you’d have to probably take things really really slow. 

Sexy head-cannons:Not really related to this particular theory, but an interesting discussion that I’ve had with Sonic fans nonetheless. Just how much of real life animal behavior and anatomy actually effect Mobians? Particularly in the bedroom, in this instance. Do they like doing it doggy style? Does Antoine prefer to give oral before going down on her? Does Bunnie have a tendency to jump in the air randomly? Does Antoine have a bulbus gland? Does Bunnie have two uteri? Like things can get pretty wired and kinky the further down the proverbial rabbit hole you go. (Bad pun, I know) I personally tend to see their actions and anatomy as more human like but you could cherry pick traits to come up with some interesting scenarios to say the least. 

Theory #4 - Only Bunnie’s limbs are robotic

How does it work: Perhaps the simplest solution to the conundrum. Bunnie’s fully organic save for her legs and left arm. The metal part we see around her lower torso is just a harness to hold her limbs limbs in place.  

Evidence for: As I said it’s the simplest answer. It explains how most of her internal bodily functions work; same as everyone else’s. It also, explains why her organic looking tail often sticks out. 

Evidence against: It doesn’t fully explain how her limbs feed off her “life force” or some of the other health problems she’s had with her cybernetics. It’s seems almost too easy an answer, and honestly a little thematically underwhelming given how much her struggle with being being bionic is built up through out the comic’s run. 

How does it effect her relationship: Well there’s nothing stopping her and Antoine from doing all of the dirty stuff they want to, but it might be a little awkward working around the harness. Either it’d have to be completely removed, along with her legs, or there a flap that opens up and you’d have to maneuver around that. 

Sexy head-cannons: Once again, not really related to the theory at hand but interesting discussion to be had anyways. A follower once asked me who would be more dominant in the bedroom. I personally see it as a more give and take situation that can go either way. Bunnie probably started off more assertive in the early days of there sexual relationship but Antoine probably built up more confidence as time wore on. They probably take turns initiating encounters and with alternate being on top and bottom.   

So that’s it. I didn’t get into the reboot stuff as it’s made much clearer how her robotics work there. Also this stuff will become more relevant once we reach certain pre-reboot stories. 

If you have any theories or sexy head-cannons of your own you want to share, or want to discuss further the ones mentioned here feel free to share. 

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