Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 175

“The Finale” Trouble in Paradise IV - Sonic Universe #20

So first off sorry about this being late. I know I made some promises regarding posting dates for this series but some real life stuff got in the way that had to be taken care of first. Most notably my nephew was in the hospital for a few days last week. He’s out now and doing better but I had to re-juggle my work schedule and babysit his siblings.  

But enough excuses, here’s the finale part for the best arc ever. 

If you remember where we left off last time Tails, Bunnie, and Antoine were fighting a giant mech. 
We get some action scenes and a few quips but soon Tails takes charges and gives our heroes a plan. 
I joked last time about Tails taking center stage because he’s the Sega owned game character, and from a meta stand point that is true, but from a story perspective it works as a character beat in his development. Tails whole deal through out the comics has been his need to be recognized as an equal by his peers. He’s been slowly gaining more responsibilities and trust from his fellow freedom fighters but this is the first time they’ve readily coincided leadership to him.  

And keep in mind both Bunnie and Ant are experienced soldiers. The earlier half of the comic served to remind us that they are special operatives that out class the regular goons. Capable of making plans and thinking on their feet. Antoine himself has lead field missions before and is commander of the royal guard.   

Them following Tails isn’t the secondary comic relief characters playing second fiddle to the main protagonist. This is two highly intelligent and able bodied heroes acknowledging that their friend is more adept at navigating this particular challenge.This is them placing trust in their friend and his skills. 

The plan is fairly simple though. Tails dismantles the mech using his tech knowledge while Bunnie and Ant sabotage the base. 
It goes off without a hitch, Tails confronts his rival Speedy, and they all make their escape. 
However this exchange is very nice to see cause even though they trust Tails he’s still the youngest and the least experienced (next to Amy) of the group, and while he’s a tech expert he’s still not a field leader, yet. One could argue that this whole arc was a rite of passage for him even more so than they Tails miniseries. 
We have some verbal approve for Tails just to confirm the above points that a I made. And after some foreshadowing for some feature arcs we close out on some more cuteness. 
Thus concludes the best Buntwan arc ever. Sure it’s not as important in the grand scheme of things as say Endgame or Union. It doesn’t add anything in terms of character development nor furthers their personal stories. It’s just a really well constructed story. Well paced, even focused, fun dialogue and character interactions, ect. There’s really nothing wrong with it. Nothing to nitpick. Nothing to annoy. It’s cute sweet and simple story with characters we know and love and that’s all it needs to be. 

Though the question does remain; did Bunnie and Ant ever get their sexy alone time? Cause their tent kind of burned down and I think that’s just a one room cabin they’re sharing with Tails. Kind of puts a damper on the whole honeymoon thing. :P 

Oh well I guess that’s another question we’ll have to answer on the next special NSFW addition of the  Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective! 

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