Friday, October 5, 2018

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 173

“The Honeymoon’s Over” Trouble in Paradise II - Sonic Universe #18

So if you remember from last week’s review Bunnie and Antoine were captured by the bad guys. Of course they don’t remain so for long though. 
I know it was just a ruse to steal the key card, but I’m still adding this my “Antoine is a revengeful ball of rage” evidence pile. 

Turns out said bad guys believe Bunnie to be a legionnaire due to her robotics. She uses this to her advantage to glean information out of them and buy Antoine sometime. 
We also get the down-low of just who these guys are and their place in the world of Archie Sonic. 
In real life they’re just the bad guys from Tails Adventure but in the archie comics there’s a little more to them. Not much, but a little. 

However the real entertaining thing about this scene is watching Bunnie get to play the villain and use her smarts rather than her fists for once.  
I often call this era in the comics (post 200 till the reboot) Bunnie’s era because she really comes into her own here. With all of Antoine’s character development wrapped up and out of the way, along with all the relationship drama put to rest, Flynn introduces a lot of new stuff for her to grapple with. Putting new spins on her age old conflict with self acceptance and giving her new scenarios to play around with. Her conflict with the Iron Queen being the kick off for that and a whole lot more to come down the road. 

Also her description of Tails isn’t entirely inaccurate. I think part of what makes her scheming so fun is how she infuses the truth into her lies. She even tells them straight out that she’s married to Antoine rather then having to cover it up later. 
And speaking of Antoine, while Bunnie is the VIP here he’s not left out of the fun entirely. 
Antoine may be a more static character now but that doesn’t make him any less entertaining. Also that call back to SatAM was both hilarious and confirmed many a head-cannon about Antoine’s cooking skills. Bless you Flynn.  
Sorry if it feels like I’m just posting the comic whole sale with running commentary rather then reviews but it’s all just too good to cut and frankly the quality of the work speaks for itself I think. 

P.S. kudos to the villains for giving Ant the respect he deserves. 
Because you’re a beautiful disaster, baby. That’s why we love you. 
You’re also an over dramatic little shit who scares the bejeezus out your wife. 
If this was any other story I might complain about the writer creating false tension for a cheap drama, buuuuut as we’ve known both these characters for so long we can spot Antoine’s over acting a mile away which turns a potentially aggravating scene into something really fun. 

But I still feel sorry for Bunnie here, she looks genuinely scared. 

Meanwhile, as all this juicy drama unfolds, Tails is off doing his own thing. Fighting the Armada and trying to rescue them.  
Not super important during this issue but will come into play later. 

Thus concludes this week’s review. Be sure to turn in next week to see how Antoine survives throwing himself off cliff like the drama queen he is.

Also frenidly reminder the NSFW episode comes out in three weeks if you want to contribute. 

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