Sunday, October 7, 2018

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 174

“Trouble in Paradise” Trouble in Paradise III - Sonic Universe #19

Best. Cover. Ever. 
So we pick up right where we left off….
Antoine swan diving off a cliff, scaring the wits out of his wife, all for the sake of making a grand theatrical spectacle. 

Fortunately the comic spares both us and Bunnie the unnecessary agony of a forced “cliff-hanger”. (forgive the pun) 
Unfortunately even her brief freak out is enough to get Speedy suspicious of her. 
So how did Antoine survive? Well remember Tails was out in his sub trying to rescue them last issue…
What follows is several pages of just Tails and Antoine interacting and it’s glorious. Simply too fun to cut, so enjoy.
Now this is the type of interaction I hoping for back in issue 210. Sadly in that issue we were over swamped with exposition; here though we have just enough to keep the plot going while the rest of the page space lets the characters breathe. 

Antoine functions as the big brother of the Freedom Fighters. Sometimes annoying and a little bit prone to lecturing because he’s the oldest, but mostly he’s looking out for everybody, handing out snippets of wisdom from his experience, and being genuinely proud of his friends accomplishments. While also good naturedly teasing them from time to time.  

And this is really important to the book to show off his relationships with other characters besides just his wife and Sonic. It fleshes out the world, makes the characters feel more alive, and gives certain future issues more emotional impact. 

In fact I’m kind of sad that Ant didn’t get any alone time neither Sally, Nicole, nor Rotor before the events of 234. 

Meanwhile Speedy is onto our fav rabbit and teams up with some mad scientist or other. 
Now back to our regularly scheduled cuteness. 
Ya know maybe Bunnie wasn’t too far off the mark when describing Tails as a ‘psychotic weapons expert child soldier’ last issue. Cause he’s awfully excited about blowing stuff up. ;) 
Bunnie looks really pretty here. I think the ponytail suits her. At least when it’s drawn right. 
Ya know nothing is better then seeing someone you care about get excited over their interests. Antoine squeeing over a sword is the best thing in this entire arc and that’s really saying something given how outstanding this story is. 
So outstanding that I’m now just posting practically the whole comic with running commentary because A. It’s good stuff and B. I’m tired and it’s my review series so I’ll be as lazy as I want to be, kay.  

Pfff…Ant’s still POed about getting cocked-blocked. Way to keep you’re priorities straight my little revengeful ball of fluff.  
What follows is an action sequence. It’s fun so I’m going to post it, I don’t know if there’s anything really you could to add to it. 
Things to say… things to say… oh..uh
  • Tails takes charge of everything because he’s the Sega game char– er, I mean cause he’s the one with plan. riiight. that it. 
  • Yardly’s work is wonderful to behold as always
  • Dr. Foo is a hoot (pun intended) 
  • Bunnie, baby, you really need to learn not to overexert yourself. You’re starting to give your hubby heart attacks. 
  • Also finally more evidence that Ant is secretly a fuzzy murder machine that must be saved from himself. 
And we end everything on cliff hanger. So be sure to tune in next week for the collusion of the arc and the week after that will be the special NSFW review. 

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