Thursday, April 25, 2019

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 180

“In Service to the King” Parts I & II - Sonic the Hedgehog #219 & #220

So while these issues don’t feature our two leads, I can’t really skip over them as this story is far too important to upcoming character developments for the both of them. 
Here lately Geoffrey St. John has been the center of some controversy within the Archie Sonic fandom. I’m not here to talk about that, but it’s nothing new concerning this particular character.  

Geoffrey has always straddled the line between jerky-hero and shady antagonist. Swinging between being a rival and a comrade in arms. However, unlike say Knuckles or even Shadow, Geoffrey would never really cement a friendship with any of the main cast. Nor would he warm to fans of the book. He has his supporters, but how much of that is due to Flynn’s take on the character is up in the air. 

For you see this is the story where Geoffrey becomes a full blown villain. 

No-Longer-”King” Max has completely lost his marbles and orders Geoffrey and Sonic to help him regain the throne. Geoffrey suggests getting a chaos emerald from the special zone to humor the former monarch and to keep a powerful MacGuffin handy.   

With Sonic’s help they do succeed in obtaining the the stone, only for Geoffrey to seal it and shoot Sonic in the back while at it. He then delivers the jewel to Ixis Naugus, calling him “master” and restoring his powers. 
I’ve seen both praise and criticism for this plot twist, and I can see it both ways. I mostly enjoy the concept but there are a few lapses in logic and presentation that somewhat undermine it. But I’ll get into that more as we discuss the upcoming story arcs dealing with the fall out. 

In the mean time enjoy these Antoine and Bunnie cameos. 
Antoine is not happy when he hears of his rival’s latest shenanigans. He’s probably telling everyone “I told you so!”right now. 

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