Saturday, May 25, 2019

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 181

Fractured Mirror - Part One: Through the Looking Glass - Sonic Universe #25

Sometime ago I decided to cover all of the alternate versions of Bunnie and Antoine that appear through out the series. We get some possible alternate versions in this story arc, (sorta, its not made very clear) but they don’t appear in this particular issue. However I feel like I need to cover the initial set up for the arc before we move on. 

In the future Silver is training with Mogul when they sense a strange presence. 
Well which is it? An alternate timeline or another dimension? The comic has always been a bit shaky on the differences between the two despite the fact that they’re treated as two completely separate things. And this story line does not make anything clearer. I’ll talk about this as we go further along, but the story keeps hinting that we’re dealing with an alternate future but a lot of little details undermine that idea. 
Anyways the intruder is revealed to be an alternate Vector. He picks a fight with Sliver and the Guardian Edmund. We also get confirmation that Edmund is Lara-Su and Argyle’s son. Tying Silver’s future to Mobius Years Later once again. 
The Vector double escapes back to where he came from and Silver follows. There he fights more alternate Chaotix as a mysterious figure watches in the shadows and we get the big reveal. 
Yeah so this is Kunckles as Enerjak. This is the Dark Future that Jani-ca (StH 106) is from. One where Knuckles stayed evil. According to the Sonic wiki this is meant to be a divergent timeline, that everything was the same as the main comic up until the end of The Green Knuckles arc. However, I don’t fully buy that theory as there’s just too many things that are, well,“off” for that to add up. 

My first piece of evidence that this is really an alternate zone, like Anti-Mobius, is Sally up there wearing a formal gown. That doesn’t look like something our Sally would wear. Certainly not when there’s an on going threat of a mad man like Enerjak running around. 
And we’ll see even bigger incongruences as the story goes on. 

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