Friday, September 2, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 82

“Turnabout Heroes” - Super Sonic Special #12

So this story is one of those mind swap tales. Eggman and Dimitri team up and switch around Sonic’s and Kunckles’ minds.Overall it’s not a bad story but it is pretty “by the numbers” as this types of stories goes.  

Anyways I’m only pointing it out because we get to see Antoine in the pilot seat again. 
While it has been awhile since we last saw him fly, this isn’t any new information. Save the fact that Bunnie is now in the co-pilot seat. 
She’ll take on this role from time to time in the future and while it’s never stated outright that she knows how to pilot on her own, it a pretty safe bet to assume Antoine taught her how to fly a plane. Same as its implied that she helped Ant out and trained him in some hand to hand fighting techniques. 

It’s just cute to think that they teach each other new things and share their areas of expertise with one another. 

Also the time placement for this story is weird. It obviously takes place before Eggman’s return, yet Eggman is in it…… >_> 

The other story in the comic is another entry into the Zone Wars arc. Sonic goes to an alternate dimension where all of the mobians have been mutated into giant monsters. 
Why would a Godzilla type monster wear eye-shadow and mascara? 

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