Sunday, September 4, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 83

“Sonic Adventure” Sonic Adventure V - Sonic Super Special #13

Hi! So here’s a handy dandy little recap to help you catch up on the issues we skipped… 
Got it? Good. Now on with the retrospective…..

Like with the Unleashed adaptation currently running in the new continuity, Archie’s adaptation of Sonic Adventure was an epically long arc that covered nearly half of the fourth era. 

However Unleashed is super long because it’s being used as an excuse to set up a whole new continuity and world. Sonic Adventure is long because it has to accommodate a previously established continuity and world. 

It has to provide extended story/plot points in order to incorporate the comic’s extended cast and some of the extra Sega characters. (Namely the Chaotix who have nothing to do with the game but are never the less present in the adaptation because they were more important in the comics at that time.) It also has to introduce new characters like Gamma and Big. But mainly it has to change/alter things from the game to fit into the comic. 

Some of these changes are interesting and bring new story elements into the world that can be expanded upon later. Like, the mysterious cat people, the hidden city of the ancients and its friendly humans to counteract the enemy Overlanders, Amy dealing with her new maturity. ect. ect.

Heck, some things are even improved from the game such as Gamma gaining free will and a consciousness all on his own through his experiences rather than just being a brainwashed bird in a metal suit or Big actually being smart.

 But then you get stupid shit like the “super emeralds” and the broken master emerald being interchangeable form some unknown reason. Like if the master emerald can do the same thing as the “super emeralds” than why need both?Why smash the master emerald at all? Why even bother with introducing the “super emeralds”? Why can’t regular chaos emeralds, which have already been established as being everywhere with unlimited power, just be used?

Basically the story really needed a good editor who could keep the various magic macguffins in the comic straight, is what I’m saying. 

Anyways, the point behind this long dissection of this particular adaptation is to explain what exactly Bunnie and Antoine are doing here. See, everyone in the comic gets something to do but it’s often minimal and off to the side, even main characters from the game like Tails and Big. Because the book is juggling so many characters and plots.

As a consequence of this, thus far the only note worthy thing Bunnie and Ant have done is search for a missing Amy Rose together. 
It’s cute, and it starts the trend of Bunnie carrying around her man, but it’s filler. It’s really only here to remind the audience that they exist. Hopefully this story arc will give them something more meaningful to do later. 

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