Friday, September 9, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 86

“The Big Payback” - Sonic the Hedgehog #85

We’re not quite done with Sonic Adventure yet. There’s a still a few loose ends to tie up. 
First the Freedom Fighters, plus Big, get a celebration send-off ceremony hosted by Station Square as a big thank you.  
But that’s interrupted by Metal Sonic.
Oh sorry, Silver Sonic II, cause this era doesn’t know how to continuity right. 

Turns out Eggman escaped during the battle with Chaos and Metal was his backup plan for conquering the city. Sonic easily defeats him of course, and Nate Morgan reprograms the bot to be a guardian for the town. Oh, and Big leaves. 

So our heroes are finally ready to depart for home. 
This has nothing to do with anything, I just thought it was cute exchange. 

But turns out the plane was sabotaged by Eggman. 
Alright, so they forget that Bunnie is a super strong flying cyborg who could have helped defeat Metal Sonic, but they bother to give her Antoine’s job? 


I kid, this honestly just supports my theory that Antoine taught her how to fly a planeand she’s taken over piloting duties while he’s injured.  (though I’m pretty sure you don’t use your legs to pilot a plane, could be wrong) 

The backup story for this issue finally follows up on Rotor and his family. About time really. 

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