Sunday, November 13, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 102

“Altered States” - Sonic the Hedgehog #101 

Last we left off Sonic and the Freedom Fighters had rescued the Robians from Robotropolis. However Nate Morgan stayed behind to assure everyone’s escape and was murdered by Eggman for his troubles. Unable to accept his lost, Sonic tries to rescue him only for everything to go topsy turvy as reality beings to warp. 

First everyone is thrown into the Sonic OVA movie. 
Witness the one and only appearance of Princess Sara. Shame really, as this cameo doesn’t highlight what makes her awesome nor her fantastic chemistry with Robotnik. Oh well, the acknowledgment that she even exists is appreciated anyways. 

Yes, I’m an Eggsara shipper; what of it? 

Then the world changes again as we’re thrown into a different timeline. This time Robotnik was jailed and never came to power. Jules is the only Robian, everyone has their families, and Sally and Knux are engaged. 
But this world has a bittersweet lining, and not just cause Sonally isn’t endgame. Without the war or the FFs, Antoine never met Bunnie, never grew into a hero, and never got over his crush on Sally. Cause of this I actually consider this to be the saddest of the alternate timelines.   

But time is still not done playing jump rope with our heroes. The next timeline features a world where “Endgame” never happened and Robotnik never died. Our heroes get to spend some panel time doing what they do best; working as a team and kicking butt. It’s a nice reminder of simpler and funner times. *sighs wistfully* 
But as Sally and Sonic start to catch on that not everything is as it seems, they’re sent to yet another timeline. One where Sally did die during “Endgame”. 
I’m not sure what to think about Bunnie’s get-up here. She looks good in black but going with her usual leotard doesn’t seem formal enough for a funeral.   

Just as Sonic starts to go off the deep end from all of this mind fuckery, we land back into the real timeline again. Sort of, Nate reappears as a time/space apparition to give us an info dump about what’s been going on, before fading away forever. Sonic finally accepts his death and moves on. 
So we can now finally say good bye to Bollers’s pointless self insert character for good. 
“But wait, what exactly did happen?” I hear you say. Well turns out Green Knuckles is basically god and he tried to change time in the back story for this issue. Each time with disastrous results; but more on that later folks. 

For now lets take a look at a bonus page and all the stupidity there in.  
I and many others have discussed the awful art work up in the corner to death by now, so lets instead look at the text. 

“But how could Penders fuck up something as simple as a brief summery of a character? All you gotta do is list off some of the main events in the comic and you’re done, right?” 
Lets start with the KNOWN FAMILY part, shall we? In addition to her father, mother, and brother, Antoine is listed here too as her “Royal Consort”. Now for those who don’t know, *cough, Penders, cough*  a consort is the legally married spouse of a ruling king or queen. They hold no official political power, hence the need for a different title rather then being called a royal themselves.

Sally is neither a queen yet, nor is she the current acting ruler of the kingdom, since her brother has been placed in charge instead. But more importantly, Sally and Antoine aren’t married! They are not related to each other in any way at this point in the comic. 
Oh but they are “betrothed” according to Penders/Bollers. As stated in the fourth paragraph on this page. Only in order to be engaged both parties need to at least be aware of said engagement. Antoine hasn’t been informed of this news, is currently dating someone else, and the whole arranged marriage thing was only mentioned once by Max way back in issue 60 and it hasn’t been brought up since. This isn’t even a relevant plot point right now and won’t be for long time yet so why even bring it up here? 
But the real puzzler is that picture at the bottom with Geoffrey St. John kissing Sally. His relationship with her has been over with for years now and it wasn’t even deemed important enough to mention in the summery. Hell, why not go with a shippy pic of Saltoine instead, since your pushing for it so hard here? 
The worst part is that the whole Sally/Antoine triangle mess could have made for an interesting story, given their history together and the fact that everyone involved are good friends, but nope; the writers have to fuck it up six ways to Sunday before coming up with a cop-out ending. But that’s way on down the line folks. 

 PS: If Robotnik never came to power and Bunnie was never turned into a cyborg, does this mean she stayed with her Uncle Bo? Is he now free to peruse his overthrow of the Acrons’ rule of the southern provinces? Is a civil war brewing beneath the surface? Will She and Antoine be pitted against each other on the battle field? Will they be star-crossed lovers, doomed to die to end the conflict? Seriously, SADDEST TIMELINE EVER!!! 

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