Thursday, November 17, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 104

Quantum Leap” Freedom Fighters of the Galaxy I - Sonic the Hedgehog #103  

In this retrospective I’m covering not just our main heroes journeys, but also any and all alternate universe/timeline versions of them as well. Including today’s really out place “Zone Wars” story. 

Yeah, ya see this issue and next one were originally written to be a part of the Sonic Super Special series before it got canceled, back when the Zone Wars was still a thing. According to the news letter in the back of the comic, Penders was really sick at this time, surgery and multiple doctor visits and all that jazz, so they put all of the on going story arcs on hold and pulled this unprinted issue out instead. And I get it, life happens and you got to still make the deadlines somehow, and it’s nice that we get to see these stories rather then have them buried in the archives forever, but this era will continue to be plagued by mismanagement like this through out its tenure and they won’t always have unused stories conventionally lying around. 

Anyways we open up with Zonic the Zone Cop explaining his mission and how the multiverse works, and my brain is already beginning to hurt. 

So wait, are alternate timelines the same thing as alternate universes then? Cause all of the various timelines we see can’t be interacted with by anyone in the comic other than Silver and other specified time travelers. But anyone can travel to an alternate dimension, even without the Zone Cops’ approval, and all of the alternate zones that everyone’s interacted with have been roughly the same time period as Mobius prime.    
Also time can be changed and influenced in the comic and that causes butterfly effects and grandfather paradoxes not alternate worlds. Cause if we follow the theory that all alternate universes are divergent timelines than that means that there a some worlds where Sonic was never born and therefore would debunk the need of a Mobius Prime, or that Sonic’s trips to modern day Earth where he’s a video game/comic book character were not crossovers with other worlds but him traveling to an alternate past, or that worlds like Anti-Mobius has it’s own set of multiple timelines/divergent worlds of its own; including one where the characters’ pasts remain the same but they wound up good anyways. 
And why am I giving all of this this much though? 

Moving right along, in this world’s timeline Sonic was captured by Robotnik and flung into space. There he stayed in cryogenic sleep for a thousand years before returning back to Mobius where he runs into the descendants of the Freedom Fighters; who all conveniently look like their ancestors. 

So in case the title didn’t give it away, this story is meant to be a parody of Guardians of the Galaxy, and not the “We are Groot” kind either. No, this a parody of the original classic team team that never got popular and therefore I know nothing about them cause I’m only familiar the MCU versions. Any gags or references are going to go over mine and most casual readers’ heads. Sorry.   

The new gang gets a few pages to show off their powers; all the while making bad puns cause today’s writer is Gallagher. 

Further proof that Antoine is really the Hawkeye of the Archie Sonic universe and not the Gambit. 

Also, fun fact, today’s artist is Jim Valentino. Before working with Sonic and Archie, Valentino worked with Marvel and had a very long and notable run with, you guessed it, Guardians of the Galaxy. In fact some of the characters he’s parodying here are his own creations. 

That line makes no sense what so ever. It’s over four thousand years after the destruction of America and this particular character is from an entirely different planet!   

Yeah that’s right, none of the Galaxy FFs are from Mobius save Sonic and Tails’s descendant, Tailon.  

They took others with them right? Cause four people wouldn’t be able to repopulate an entire species alone. Heck, Bunnie can’t even have kids, unless in this world her cybernetics work differently or they ran into the Bem while out in space. Another option is cloning, I guess, which would explain why everyone looks exactly like their ancestors, but where would they get the resources and knowledge to achieve that?  It also wouldn’t explain Tailon, who must be a descendant of Tails; which means other Mobians manage to survive on Mobius anyways making the original FFs space voyage pointless.  

Also is Bunnie and Antoine a couple in this world? Are Twan-Du and Bunni distance cousins? I want to say no, cause right afterwards the Galaxy FFs explain that the original refugees split up to colonize different worlds and I can’t imagine Ant or Buns willingly leaving the other behind if they were dating.   

The mohawk look doesn’t look good on you honey Twan. What ever were ya’ll thinking? 

So others had to have been on those ships right? Cause it says right there that the Shark are descendants of the Forty Fathom Freedom Fighters. I mean it makes no sense for there not to be other survives. The original FFs had to have had followers, enough to at least split up like the did in order to become rulers of their own planets…. And man is this all so stupid! And not in a silly fun way; in more of a makes your head hurt way. There’s no logical reason for the refugees to have split up the way they did. I don’t care if that was something that happened in the original GotG in this context it’s pointless.

So the story ends on a cliffhanger when, I kid you not, Silver Snively shows up. 

Is this a Guardians of the Galaxy parody or Fanatic Four parody? And don’t tell me both cause we already had our shitty F4 parody back in StH 38! 

Anyways the backup story for this issue follows the Downunda Freedom Fighters and I enjoy it, if only because Dave Manak is back for pencils. I won’t lie, he’s easily one of my favorite artists to ever work on the book. If I could go back and do it again, I would have given him the artist award for the first era and left the 2nd era to Art Mawhinney. 

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