Saturday, November 19, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 105

“Enter: Robolactus” Freedom Fighters of the Galaxy II - Sonic the Hedgehog #104 

Today’s review will be a short one. Mainly cause neither Twan-Du nor Bunni, get much of anything to do. In fact none of the heroes accomplish anything useful this issue.

First Silver Snively kicks everbody’s asses. 
Sonic, now called Sonik for some reason, defeats him but only cause he didn’t get anything to do last issue. He also takes up the leader role for no other reason than virtue of being the main character. 
I see Bunni has a cute nickname for 27; anybody else ready to ship them too?

But then Robolactus shows up to eat Saleta’s planet. (not to be confused with StH 38′s Robotnicus; even though they are both essentially the same character)    
One’s mildly less stupid than the other, cause one is a make-believe character created by an 8 year old and the other is meant to be cannon.  

Robolactus beats up everybody, including Sonik, an the day is saved by Silver Snively, for no apparent reason, suddenly growing to Robolactus size and talking him into eating the Shark’s planet instead. 
Let me count the ways how stupid this is. 
  1. Silver Snively has no motivation for his heel-face turn, and it’s never hinted at through out the comic. Just three pages before this he was gleefully monologueing to thin air about how all of the Galaxy FFs were going to die. So why would he care to stop Robolactus now?  
  2. All of the Galaxy FFs are useless this issue. There’s a difference between making your big bad a threat and completely steamrolling your own heroes. They serve no purpose if the day is saved by someone else without their input. 
  3. HawkHawk is a dumb name and he is even extra pointless here than the rest of the FFs. He accomplishes nothing, is unlikable and doesn’t get along with the other team members, and he’s not a descendant nor a AU version of any of the Archie cast. So what was the point of including him? 
  4.  And don’t give me, “to parody *insert name of Marvel/DC character here* “ The parody was already screwed with they decided to rehash an older issue and combine the Fantastic Four mythos with their tribute to Guardians of the Galaxy. Not to mention that just about any other previously established character could have fulfilled this role.    
  5. The heroes willfully cheer on the big bad to murder an entire planet. But hey it’s ok cause all Sharks are assholes, am I right? Never mind that there are surely innocents, such as children and other wildlife on that planet that will die too. 
  6. This won’t stop Robolactus. After he’s done with that planet he’ll be back again or off to destroy someone else. 
Anything else? umm…Twan-Du is in charge of flying the spaceship and managing the teleports. He’s the Archie Sonic version of Scotty, I guess.  
The second story this issue is the second part to the Downunda FFs solo story. 

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