Thursday, February 2, 2017

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 127

“Robo-Dyne Systems” The Tommy Trilogy III - Sonic the Hedgehog #137

This story arc was meant to bring back Tommy Turtle; a character who is universally despised by nearly everyone. And to be honest, I’m not sure why.

Oh don’t get me wrong, he’s not a good character in any way. He’s more of plot device than anything else, has no real personality, was shoehorned into the comics continuity, and his tech skills are redundant. But so was Nate Morgan, and the Brotherhood, and Tail’s parents…. Basically what I’m getting at is I don’t understand why everyone gains up on this particular character when there are several more intrusive ones out there.

However this particular story isn’t really about Tommy. Like I said he’s more of a plot device really. No this story is about bringing the old FFs back together and exploring their new dynamic.
Gee, it’s almost like she’s trapped under her father’s thumb and would rather be here with you fighting instead of playing the perfect princess, and that she took her frustrations out on you instead of just communicating her feelings,and you would realize that if you just took the time to talk to her like actual thinking beings.  
Anyways, the writers decide to drop some more hints towards Antoine’s change in personality.
Uh… I am. Twan’s bravely volunteered to go on lots of dangerous missions before.
You see Bollers’ plan is to have Antoine become darker and more serious due to “character development”. But actual character development involves acknowledging what came before. Antoine can’t “suddenly become brave” during Sonic’s absence if he was already brave to begin with.

Now due to his insecurities, I can understand Antoine wanting to become “stronger and braver” after Sonic’s supposed “death”; in order to protect those he loves and not lose anybody else. But then why would he push the person he loves most away?
None of Bollers’ “character development” makes any sense on any fundamental basis. And nowhere is that more clear when you find out his plans for the Source of All.

Yeah, remember that stupid Mcguffin? Well it’s been hinted at that the Source of All is secretly evil and corrupts the people it bonds with. This arc was meant to finally reveal that overtly. (not like you couldn’t figure that out on your on). But while it may explain Max’s abusive asshole behavior it does not explain Antoine.

Here’s a quote from the Sonic wiki about the plan.
Antoine’s darker demeanor and loss of innocence is revealed to be the result of him subcoming to the Source’s will to, one day, marry Princess Sally without any given reason; which would result in the Source bonding with Sally permanently. In hopes of winning Bunnie back, Antoine allows himself to be possessed by a corrupted Source, turning him into a villain. 
Oh let me count the ways in which this stupid.
  1. If Antoine’s base motivation is to get back together with Bunnie than why is he still an asshole to her now? In fact why was he ever an asshole to begin with, since that was her reason for breaking up with him in the first place? If he hasn’t bonded with the source yet, or if the source is responsible for his dickish behavior now, than what was his reasoning before?  Basically the Source of All can’t explain his sudden change of character, if his sudden change in character is what led him to the Source. 
  2. Why would Antoine ever agree to marry Sally if getting back with Bunnie is his main goal? How would the Source ever convince him this is a good idea? Cause, remember the Source has to willingly bond with it’s host first before it can fully control it. Other wise it would have taken over Sally’s mind already.
  3. Seeing as the host has to agree to being a host, then how does Sally marrying Antoine cause her to become possessed? Why would the Source even still care about Sally if it can control Antoine who would then be in a position to rule after marrying her?   
Of course, setting aside all of the plot holes that I just mentioned, there still one basic overall problem to this…..


This is forced drama that treats the characters like puppets for the sake of the over all plot. Having Antoine become mind controlled strips him of any agency and makes any previous motivations irreverent. And since we don’t know when he was first possessed it places all of his previous actions into question. 

This is “the slap” all over again. Having Ant go full on evil after so much real character development is character assassination. For pretty much the same reasons as to why Bollers tried to assassinate Sally’s character; for cheap drama. 

Look, yell at Penders all you want, he deserves it. But lets not forget that Bollers was equally responsible for the comic’s “dark days”. And while I can’t speak for any of his works outside of Sonic, he clearly has a problem with both continuity and characterization here. 

But that of course it just Bollers plan for Antoine. What of Penders? Tune in next time when we discuss the other ideas for Antoine’s changed behavior along with the worst Buntawn story ever written. 

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