Saturday, February 25, 2017

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 129

“The Message” Return to Angel Island I - Sonic the Hedgehog #138 

Not much to cover here, I just wanted to point out a few interesting tidbits. 
“You heard what daddy said, I gotta be the perfect princess and do things his way or he’ll yell at me again”  

This is a woman who’s been completely brainwashed by her abuser. Someone please, please get this poor girl some help.  
Antoine’s new official title is Lieutenant. I guess previously he was a Sergeant or a Chief Warrent Officer of some kind? I’m not entirely sure how military ranks work; especially considering this is a fictional kingdom and Antoine is part of both the army, the air-force, and a special-ops group. 
Look! Look! Amy’s cheering on Vector and Bunnie’s chatting with Mighty! My shipper heart is so happy right now! 
The point of this story arc is that Sonic helps the Chaotix liberate Angle Island, and Bunnie’s not happy that she has to stay behind. 
But she does get to fly the plane there. This just confirms my theory that Antoine taught her how to pilot. Though it is curious why they couldn’t get Tails or Rotor do it. They both know how to fly too. In fact most of the FFs know how to by now.  
That’s it. Sadly we won’t be looking at the rest of this story. Which is a shame because Return to Angel Island is right up there with Home as one of my favorite arcs this era. 

The other story this issue is yet another foray into the M25YL arc. 

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