Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 128

“One Part Ooh-La-La and Two Parts Treachery!” - Sonic the Hedgehog #137

This is often regarded as the worst Buntoine story ever written, and for good reason. First it introduces a completely pointless character for a redundant purpose. And second, it’s just plain confusing. 

The story is told through flashback, with yet another flashback within the first flashback; making it difficult to time place events. And if that wasn’t bad enough we have three “narrators” whose view point we see, yet the comic doesn’t bother to clearly define who is who. 

We open up with present day Antoine writing an acceptance speech for his new promotion that he got back in issue 134. Where he then stumbles upon an old love letter Bunnie gave him, hidden in his notes. 

This starts the first flashback as told through Bunnie’s perspective. 

You’ll notice there’s already a big fuck up right out of the gate. Present Antoine says this happened after they defeated Robotnik and the editor confirms that this is meant to take place right after Endgame. But Bunnie is already in her upgraded form in the flashback, so no, that can be right. 

This clearly has to take place after the return of Robotnik somewhere around issues 76-78. And not just because of Bunnie’s design here either. I’ll be making a case as to why this flashback should take place at that particular point in time as we go along.    

So, Past Antoine is nervous around Bunnie because an old flame of his is returning to Knothole. (and no it’s not Sally) This prompts flashback number two, as told by Past Antoine. 

So we have…. 
  • Present Day Antoine reading an old love letter from Past Bunnie
  • Said Bunnie is retelling an event that has already happened to both them in the letter
  • This event features a Past Antoine recounting his childhood
You got it? You with me so far? Cause believe me it’s easy to get lost. 

Antoine talks about a girl name Tatiana who was his first crush, but she preferred Sonic. Sound familiar? Tatiana’s story with Antoine is nothing more than a retread of the Sally/Antoine relationship, but without any of the nuance, depth, or development of the latter. 

So if this Tatiana was so important to Ant’s past how come we’ve never seen her until now? Well shitty writing for one thing and she apparently moved away before the start of the series for another. Though where she would have moved to during a world war is beyond me. 

However Antoine has brought her up before, way back during the Image crossover. Which is the only reason why I reviewed that story. And its existence further proves that this had to take place long after Endgame. His first mention of Tatiana happened well after those events and when they were living in Robotropolis. This story clearly has both Ant and Bunnie living in Knothole, which they moved back to after Eggman’s return. 

Anyways, we transition from the Sonic Kids era back into the first flashback and back to Bunnie’s point of view; as Tatiana returns to meet up with Antoine. 

Now that’s rather rude of you Twan. (and you too Bunnie ) You said yourself that Tatiana never considered you anything more than a friend. It’s not her fault you had an unrequited crush on her. She comes home after years of being away and wants to catch up with all her old friends, and then you just blow her off, after agreeing to meet with her mind, just to hang out with your girlfriend. All because of some perceived slight to your honor back when you were literal children.  

Of course the writer tries to weave this awful behavior as “romantic” because he “chooses” Bunnie over her, but Tatiana never wanted him to begin with so no choice was ever really made. We do get one cute scene out of this mess, as Antoine reaffirms his love for Bunnie and reassures her its more than just a crush. 

It’s sadly redundant though, as we had this revelation twice already. Once to himself during “A Day In the Life” and to Bunnie during “Upgrade”. More proof that this flashback takes place after #77. 

We end this merry-go-round with Past Bunnie admitting her own love for Twan within the letter as we transition back to present day. Only to have Present Antoine rip the letter to shreds as Present Bunnie walks past. Reminding us that this once beautiful romance has turned sour. 

But why has it turned sour? Well hold on to your socks: Present Day Antoine isn’t Antoine; it’s Patch. Confused yet? 

We discussed Bollers’ plans to turn the real Antoine into a villain during the last part. Well Penders thought it would be better to replace the real Antoine altogether with his evil counterpart from the Anti-Mobius.  

And to be honest, I think this is the better plan. After all if the real Antoine’s primary motivation for turning evil is to get back with Bunnie, then why would he rip up the love letter? Patch however wouldn’t give a damn. Though if this is Anti-Antoine then how would he remember these events like he claims to? Then again he clearly got the date wrong so maybe he doesn’t actually remember. 

Either way it’s an idea that has potential but it’s being sloppily executed, unlike Bollers’ plan which is fundamentally flawed but has more effort put into it. 

But who will win out? Who will decide the fate of our beloved coyote? Bollers or Penders? Find out on the Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective!  

PS: The third story in this issue is another chapter in the M25YL arc.

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