I’m legitimately surprised he doesn’t have a broken jaw after that. He’s taken hard knocks before but the Iron King is suppose to have like Mighty levels of strength.
Also after the Iron Queen is captured we get this interesting exchange between him and Monkey Khan.
Witness the only time Antoine comes even remotely close to questioning the FFs usual modus operandi of merely capturing villains rather then eliminating them. And we still don’t get his actual opinion on the matter, just surprise that Ken agreed to go along with it.
However given that he was loudly threatening to kill Regina just a few issues ago; I’m going to say he was fully on board with the corporal punishment idea and is now disappointed that the only other Mobian who’d agree with this has now changed his mind.
But Antoine is allowed to carry out the actual arrest, so that’s a consolation I guess.
That concludes this weeks review. Come back next time and we’ll start in on my second favorite story arc in the comic.
“Home Invasion” Home Invasion I - Sonic the Hedgehog #210
So in issue 209, Sonic, Sally, Tails, and Monkey Khan worked to free Nicole from her brainwashing. Nicole decided to play undercover agent while they went off to the Dragon Kingdom to weaken the Iron Dominion’s support.
I didn’t cover that issue because neither Bunnie nor Ant made an appearance, but it’s important background information for today’s review. As we time skip ahead and Antoine, Amy Rose, and Bunnie are all miraculously free. Presumably because of Nicole but as to how and why only them who knows.
Look I really like this concept of Amy and Antoine teaming up and leading a resistance together as they have a interesting yet under-explored dynamic, but the way the comic goes about it is a complete waste.
Because of the time skip the characters are now having to spend most of the issue playing exposition dump into order to keep the audience informed. There’s little to no room to explore the character dynamics nor their individual conflicts.
And the worst part about it? This all because they can’t go a single issue without Sonic appearing in some capacity.
Even if it’s just the very last page. Even if he already has a Sonic Universe arc currently running that’s suppose to take place before this issue but winds up lasting three months longer then the main arc. Even though SU was originally intended to give the spotlight to other Sonic characters.
You know what Journey to the East should have been the main book and this plot, Amy Rose and the Freedom Fighters, should have been expanded into the Sonic Universe title. That way by the time we got to this point both stories would have synced up better and we would have had the breathing room to really watch events unfold naturally.
Anyways Geoffrey shows up, mainly so the cast will have another character to info dump to and cause Ian has plans for him later.
We do learn few things however. First the Chaotix have been using the warp ring to help cart refugees out of the city. Of course this is all told to us in dialogue rather then having them actually appear.
Second, we learn about legionization. It’s basically the books new version of robotization; rather then being turned into a mindless robot you’re retrofitted with cybernetics. Now they say here that those who undergo the procedure are brainwashed but that’s actually not true. In fact it’s far more insidious and ultimately more interesting. People who are legionizated have explosives implanted into their new robotics, disobey and you die. Meaning people are now fully aware of their actions and are given a choice, it’s just not a choice many would dare to make.
People’s reasons for being legionized and the “deal with the devil” pacts they make with Eggman will go on to be one of the more compelling aspects of book both pre and post reboot. It’s also features heavily in Bunnie’s on going story.
Speaking of Bunnie, she’s present but doesn’t get to do much. Still we do get this nice scene between her and Ant.
Lets see is there anything else….
Well Eggman manages to reason himself back from the edge of insanity, and we get some Snively angst which is always fun.
Rotor is the first person to be threatened with legalization and he gets a brief moment to shine.
And we get some more scenes of Antoine being badass.
Oh and look, Character Development!
Yeah Antoine and Geoffrey never really became friends and their rivalry is far from over with, but it’s nice to know they at least have each others backs in combat.
P.S. Both Antoine and Geoffrey hold the same rank of Commander. I’m guessing that’s like a Major or a Colonel in our terms. Basically it’s the second or third highest rank depending on which military we’re talking about. In short neither are above one another in the chain of command and they’re both really highly regarded for their skills and service. Given their relatively young age that’s a pretty big accomplishment.
P.S.S. Antoine still hasn’t forgiven Monkey Khan. More evidence to add to the “Antoine is secretly a vengeful ball of rage” theory.
That’s it for this week. Next time we’ll finally wrap of the Iron Dominion plot once and for all.
“Iron Dominion Part One” Iron Dominion I - Sonic the Hedgehog #208
So Snively and Regina finally hit upon the idea to use techno-magic on Nicole and the city’s nanites. I’m surprise neither of them thought of this plan earlier. Did they honestly not know that New Mobotropolis was made from nanites until now?
Anyways all hell breaks loose and Bunnie is ordered to retreat before Regina can control her too.
Antoine being a leader and bravely staying behind so everyone can safely retreat. Bunnie correcting his grammar cause he’s flustered and the little stutter to show that he’s still scared especially with out her around but will do what he must to keep her safe.
Oh but it gets better…
She still can’t leave him!
Sure her retreating with the Chaotix might have been the smarter and more responsible thing to do, but she can’t bare the idea of losing him again!
So they they fight together like the power couple that they are! Even Antoine’s proclamation at the end translates to, “Here is the power of our love!”
But you know the best thing about all of this? They both are blown away by each other’s bravery and strength of character. They love each other because they’re each other’s hero!
Gah, best couple ever!!!
Oh and then they both get immediately captured while Sally, Sonic, Tails, and Ken escape on the Tornado leaving us on a cliffhanger for the next issue.
I honestly forget how they mange to escape, so I guess we’ll all discover that together on the next part of the retrospective.
So way back in issue #110, Robotropolis was nuked by Station Square. Now I didn’t cover that story in the retrospective, but since then the city has been kept under a containment field and New Mobotropolis has been using the radiation as a source of power.
As such the Iron King gets the idea to break the shield thereby draining New Mobotropolis of it’s power and bringing it’s automated defenses down.
But first he has to get through Sonic, Monkey Khan, and Amadeus Prower.
If you remember from the Home arc, the fort guarding Robotropolis was Armand’s last command post before he died. And I kind of love this idea that literally everyone loved Armand. That regardless of what political sides they wound up on or what disagreements they might of had, no one had a bad thing to say about him. That Max and Amadeus were both his best friends right up until his death. Kind of telling that the revolution didn’t start until after he had pasted away.
Also on a side note, I’ve been reassessing my opinion of Amadeus recently. Before I had just lumped him in with Rosemary and kind of conflated her actions with his and that’s not really fair. Don’t get me wrong Rosemary is still a horrible person who could die in a fire for all I care, but re-reading through the series again I’ve notice that Amadeus is a pretty decent dude. He’s no Armand, or Jules, or even a Wynmacher but he is still genuine in his beliefs, makes actual good points concerning his grievances towards the crown, and is actually there for and supportive of his son.
Good job Amadeus you manage to be better then Max, Locke, or even your wife. Not that that’s hard but given this book I’ll take it.
But enough waffling about let’s get back to our main characters.
While the above mentioned characters are off saving the day Sally drops in to visit Bunnie and Ant.
*squee!* We get to see their home! And it’s clear that Bunnie is the interior decorator. I can’t say the Southwestern thing is my style but I do love that awesome dreamcatcher.
This is the only room we actually see though so it’s possible Ant got a say elsewhere. Like perhaps the is bedroom in a Rococo style? While you know damn well he’s the one who organized the kitchen even if Bunnie may have picked out the silverware.
Also fan theory confirmed Bunnie is clearly reading a gossip/fashion magazine while recovering.
Cuuuute! And it’s shows that yes there are little things about Ant, like his over-protectiveness, that annoy Bunnie, but she knows it comes from a place of love so she can’t get mad about it. Which is just sweet.
Fucking thank you! Finally we get some female friendship moments in the comic! As much as I love Bunnie and Ant’s relationship it often comes at the expense of their other relationships and they both could stand to be integrated into the rest of the cast more.
But the other problem here is the Sally doesn’t have enough of a support system. Part of this is her own fault for not opening up to others easily, part of it Max’s abuse cutting her off from her friends, but a good chunk of it is the writers just forgetting that the characters have friendships and lives outside of Sonic and romances.
Also small confession; this is one of the main reasons why I don’t support Sallicole in the reboot. Neither Sally nor Nicole have any other close relationships with any of the other female characters post-reboot. Why should I have to sacrifice my w/w solidarity in order to see LGBT representation? Why can’t I have both? Why can’t the comic show Sally as Bunnie or Amy’s BFF and let Nicole talk to someone else for a change?
And this a frustration I have in much of the media I consume simply because there’s not enough female characters. Far too often any given show, movie, book or what-have-you will only feature two main girls and if you happen to ship those two together you can say bye-bye to any female friendships. Like please just add more women into stories for fucks sake.
Anyways enough getting sidetracked, the whole reason Sally is here is to ask for relationship advice since a.) Bunnie is her BFF and b) Bunnie and Ant are like the only friends she knows with a successful love life. I honestly think the only other couples not torn to shreds right now are Knuckles/Julie-Su and Elias/Meg.
But who is Sally crushing on you may ask?
Monkey Khan.
Yeah seriously. Up til now it’s been so subtle and shoved into the background that this story almost feels out of nowhere. Maybe if Flynn had actually committed to following through with it, I might be more favorable to the pairing, but after this tease it doesn’t really go anywhere and they’re right back to teasing Sonally again. Even though the Sega mandates had forbidden their love by this point.
Also Bunnie, what do you actually know about dating? Antoine is the only person you’ve ever seriously been with and the “break up” with him wasn’t even a real. To which you’re response was to mope about and the try and make him jealous by flirting with Sonic. Not what you’d really call dating around.
I love you both but, honey you and Antoine seriously lucked out on the whole finding your soulmate thing really early in life.
Anyways Bunnie proceeds to describe Sally’s “type” while juxtaposed with scenes of Sonic and Ken fighting. Highlighting just how much of a rebound guy Khan really is. He’s a substitute Sonic in this relationship and you know that’s just a disservice to all parties involved.
To Monkey Khan because he deserves better then to be yet another a sonic clone and this undermines a lot of development Flynn had given him recently.
To Sally because she deserves more then to be saddled with yet another dead end relationship that only ends because of the powers that be decided to fuck with her character.
And to Sonic, who deserves to be more then a prop for love triangles just cause he’s the title character and Sega has a bunch of stupid mandates.
Still, at least there’s more honest communication going on with this triangle then the ones that came before and I appreciate this talk with Bunnie even if I don’t like the circumstances that brought it about.
Also this is the best advice Bunnie has given her during this whole scene because it’s born from actual experience. How many years did she crush on Ant before admitting she liked him, three? If you want something then take a chance. You may not get it but if you don’t try how will you ever know?
In conclusion Sonic and Ken trick the Iron King, Sally asks Khan out, and we get a wired ship tease of Sonamy. Flynn does remember that she’s only 12 right?
Oh well they are actual friends here so you could take this as platonic.
Next time on the retrospective we finally get to the invasion proper.