Monday, August 27, 2018

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 171

“Security Measures” Home Invasion II - Sonic the Hedgehog #211

So today we finally wrap up the Iron Dominion plot. 
  • Nicole blocks Regina’s use of nanites
  • The ninjas desert 
  • Lien-Da betrays everyone and gets blown up
  • Sonic, Monkey Khan, and Espio use a MacGuffin they brought back from the east to defeat the Iron King
  • Snively frees Eggman and escapes 
Those are the key plot points for this issue but what does Antoine have to do with any of this? 

Well along side Amy and Geoffrey he fights the Iron King 
I’m legitimately surprised he doesn’t have a broken jaw after that. He’s taken hard knocks before but the Iron King is suppose to have like Mighty levels of strength. 

Also after the Iron Queen is captured we get this interesting exchange between him and Monkey Khan. 
Witness the only time Antoine comes even remotely close to questioning the FFs usual modus operandi of merely capturing villains rather then eliminating them. And we still don’t get his actual opinion on the matter, just surprise that Ken agreed to go along with it. 

However given that he was loudly threatening to kill Regina just a few issues ago; I’m going to say he was fully on board with the corporal punishment idea and is now disappointed that the only other Mobian who’d agree with this has now changed his mind.    

But Antoine is allowed to carry out the actual arrest, so that’s a consolation I guess. 
That concludes this weeks review. Come back next time and we’ll start in on my second favorite story arc in the comic. 

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