Monday, August 20, 2018

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 170

“Home Invasion” Home Invasion I - Sonic the Hedgehog #210

So in issue 209, Sonic, Sally, Tails, and Monkey Khan worked to free Nicole from her brainwashing. Nicole decided to play undercover agent while they went off to the Dragon Kingdom to weaken the Iron Dominion’s support. 

I didn’t cover that issue because neither Bunnie nor Ant made an appearance, but it’s important background information for today’s review. As we time skip ahead and Antoine, Amy Rose, and Bunnie are all miraculously free. Presumably because of Nicole but as to how and why only them who knows. 
Look I really like this concept of Amy and Antoine teaming up and leading a resistance together as they have a interesting yet under-explored dynamic, but the way the comic goes about it is a complete waste. 

Because of the time skip the characters are now having to spend most of the issue playing exposition dump into order to keep the audience informed. There’s little to no room to explore the character dynamics nor their individual conflicts. 

And the worst part about it? This all because they can’t go a single issue without Sonic appearing in some capacity.     
Even if it’s just the very last page. Even if he already has a Sonic Universe arc currently running that’s suppose to take place before this issue but winds up lasting three months longer then the main arc. Even though SU was originally intended to give the spotlight to other Sonic characters.  
You know what Journey to the East  should have been the main book and this plot, Amy Rose and the Freedom Fighters, should have been expanded into the Sonic Universe title. That way by the time we got to this point both stories would have synced up better and we would have had the breathing room to really watch events unfold naturally. 

Anyways Geoffrey shows up, mainly so the cast will have another character to info dump to and cause Ian has plans for him later. 
We do learn few things however. First the Chaotix have been using the warp ring to help cart refugees out of the city. Of course this is all told to us in dialogue rather then having them actually appear.
Second, we learn about legionization. It’s basically the books new version of robotization; rather then being turned into a mindless robot you’re retrofitted with cybernetics. Now they say here that those who undergo the procedure are brainwashed but that’s actually not true. In fact it’s far more insidious and ultimately more interesting. People who are legionizated have explosives implanted into their new robotics, disobey and you die. Meaning people are now fully aware of their actions and are given a choice, it’s just not a choice many would dare to make. 

People’s reasons for being legionized and the “deal with the devil” pacts they make with Eggman will go on to be one of the more compelling aspects of book both pre and post reboot. It’s also features heavily in Bunnie’s on going story. 

Speaking of Bunnie, she’s present but doesn’t get to do much. Still we do get this nice scene between her and Ant. 
Lets see is there anything else….

Well Eggman manages to reason himself back from the edge of insanity, and we get some Snively angst which is always fun. 
Rotor is the first person to be threatened with legalization and he gets a brief moment to shine. 
And we get some more scenes of Antoine being badass. 
Oh and look, Character Development! 
Yeah Antoine and Geoffrey never really became friends and their rivalry is far from over with, but it’s nice to know they at least have each others backs in combat.  

P.S. Both Antoine and Geoffrey hold the same rank of Commander. I’m guessing that’s like a Major or a Colonel in our terms. Basically it’s the second or third highest rank depending on which military we’re talking about. In short neither are above one another in the chain of command and they’re both really highly regarded for their skills and service. Given their relatively young age that’s a pretty big accomplishment.     

P.S.S. Antoine still hasn’t forgiven Monkey Khan. More evidence to add to the “Antoine is secretly a vengeful ball of rage” theory. 

That’s it for this week. Next time we’ll finally wrap of the Iron Dominion plot once and for all. 

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