Monday, August 13, 2018

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 169

“Iron Dominion Part One” Iron Dominion I - Sonic the Hedgehog #208

So Snively and Regina finally hit upon the idea to use techno-magic on Nicole and the city’s nanites. I’m surprise neither of them thought of this plan earlier. Did they honestly not know that New Mobotropolis was made from nanites until now?    
Anyways all hell breaks loose and Bunnie is ordered to retreat before Regina can control her too. 
It doesn’t work. 

However another idea for escape presents itself. 

 Antoine being a leader and bravely staying behind so everyone can safely retreat. Bunnie correcting his grammar cause he’s flustered and the little stutter to show that he’s still scared especially with out her around but will do what he must to keep her safe.  

Oh but it gets better…
She still can’t leave him! 

Sure her retreating with the Chaotix might have been the smarter and more responsible thing to do, but she can’t bare the idea of losing him again! 

So they they fight together like the power couple that they are! Even Antoine’s proclamation at the end translates to, “Here is the power of our love!”

But you know the best thing about all of this? They both are blown away by each other’s bravery and strength of character. They love each other because they’re each other’s hero! 

Gah, best couple ever!!!

Oh and then they both get immediately captured while Sally, Sonic, Tails, and Ken escape on the Tornado leaving us on a cliffhanger for the next issue. 
I honestly forget how they mange to escape, so I guess we’ll all discover that together on the next part of the retrospective. 

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