Sunday, December 4, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 112

“Operation: Off Switch!” Rogue Rouge I - Sonic the Hedgehog #116 

Something that I’ve notice going into the firth era, Bollers seems to have dropped the story arcs almost completely. Outside of the lingering “Source of All” arc that wrapped up a few issues ago, the left over Super Sonic Specials, and the Knuckles backstories, all of the stories thus far have been short one shots. Certainly not the long epics the comic had been focusing on in the past. Weather or not this is a bad thing will be dependent upon your personal tastes and your opinion of Karl Bollers’s plotting. For right now though, today’s issue is the closest we’ve come to a story arc in quite sometime; even though both parts are within the same issue.

The first part features Bunnie and Sonic teaming up on a mission.
The President of Station Square has called them in to track down Eggman; who, being a robot, has downloaded his consciousness into a new body and relocated his headquarters to Megaopolis after Robopolis got blown up. Also Rouge has gone missing while she was gaining intel on him. 
This issue is really Rouge’s introduction. She appeared on a single panel back in issue 98 during the Sonic Adventure 2 adaptation, but she didn’t really do or say anything. It was nothing but a cameo really. However, we’ll discuss Rouge more in depth in the next part when she truly shows up. 

What I would like to discuss right now though is Bunnie’s new redesign.   
I’ve notice Bunnie sporting her old haircut for a few issues now, while hanging out in the background. However in this issue they’ve given her a jacket to go with it. I actually really, really like this design. It gets right everything that the old “daisy dukes” design got wrong. The dark purple jacket fits in with the tetradic color scheme she sports. It’s distinctive without being over powering and it brings a balance to her now more lithe proportions. Also I’ve always been a sucker for short haired Bunnie. 

We also start to get a our first real evidence to Mobius’s origins in this story. 
We’ve seen hints of it before, mainly in one off jokes and references, but here its confirmed that Mobius is an alternate dystopian future Earth. More on that later. 

For now the story pulls the same shit as issue 95. It makes no use out of this unique team up. They split up before they even get started good. 
“I’ll find ‘er”? When did Bunnie adopt a cockney accent instead? 

But unlike #95, Sonic does actually get to accomplish something and defeat Eggman. 
As for Bunnie though, we’ll have to wait until the next part to find out what she gets up to. See ya then. 

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