Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 113

“Bat Fight” Rogue Rouge II - Sonic the Hedgehog #116

We left off last time with Bunnie and Sonic splinting up. Sonic went to defeat Eggman and Bunnie went looking for a missing Rouge. 
Rouge and Bunnie have never met before, so I don’t blame her for being cautious, but what follows is just stupid.  
No trying to assess the situation, no trying to sneak away, no trying to blend in with the “enemy”, no sweet talking or trying to con her way out; just straight to fisticuffs. I thought Rouge was suppose to be smarter than this?   

Not that Bunnie’s much better. 
She comes back a swinging, instead of trying to explain or figure out what’s going on. If the person you’re trying to rescue starts attacking you, you would think you would try to figure out whats wrong with them, not beat them up.  
This precedes for four pages straight. The entirety of the story is devoted to this catfight, and yet the audience can’t give a damn because it doesn’t work as intended. 

Look I understand that wanting  to see two heroes fight is a thing among fans, and the subject of many a superhero crossover. I also understand that there a a fair few people who find two women fighting a turn on, but this fails at being either of those things. 
The reason why people would want to see two heroes fight is because they want to showcase what makes each hero unique and awesome. This fight doesn’t take into account either of Bunnie’s or Rouge’s fighting styles, individual skills, or personalities. Rouge is a spy and a thief, her attacks are more indirect and involve agility and quick footedness. Bunnie is has super strength and lasers. In a one on one like this Rouge would get creamed. 

There’s a reason why you’ll never see Catwoman vs Supergirl or Black Widow vs Captain Marvel. (Or a Batman vs Superman fight where Bats doesn’t cheat. Yes, I went there.) It’s just too uneven a fight and would be over with way too quicklyThat’s how this fight should play out, but nope, Rouge is suddenly on par with Bunnie in terms of  strength for no real reason. I can only accept this as cannon if I pretend that Bunnie is deliberately holding herself back cause she knows Rouge is being an idiot here.  

Oh and this makes things even worse because this is Rouge’s introduction to the comic proper. If you had never played Sonic Adventure 2 before reading this, the character comes off as really unlikable and boring.The writers make no effort in giving her any sort of personality here.
But the comic also fails at being fan-service as well. There’s some nice art work, but that’s not enough to make for a good catfight. 

Here’s an example of a good catfight within a children’s story. 
This is Angewomon and Ladydevimon from Digimon. In the show they are soldiers on opposite sides of a war. It makes logical sense for them to fight. And neither stops until one of them wins. Also said fight doesn’t intrude upon the main story.  This is a fun prelude right before the last major battle of the season. The whole thing probably doesn’t take more than 10 mins of screen time if even that. 

Unlike today’s story which is born out of a dumb misunderstanding, takes up the entire story, and is easily resolved when a third party (Sonic) steps in so neither girl can be the “loser” of the fight. 
Though for the record Bunnie totally won. ;)

The last story this issue is yet another entry into the long ass Green Knuckles arc. 

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