Thursday, December 29, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 119

“Omega” Sonic Adventure 2.5 Part II - Sonic the Hedgehog #125

Rotor creates a device to communicate with Xorda and Sally tries to reason with them. But they’re dicks, so they decide to blow up the planet anyways. 
Or rather they use a weapon to create a black hole to swallow Mobius, and then promptly fuck off to parts unknown. 
Everyone on the planet therefore joins forces to stop this doomsday device. Literally everyone. From Eggman, to GUN, to the Freedom Fighters, to even the Guardians of the Brother Hood and the Dark Legion. And of course, due to page length, most of these characters are mere cameos who don’t really accomplish much, but it’s a nice send off that really makes the events feel like an epic end. 
In a lot of ways this story feels like a more tightly paced version of Endgame. Like this was meant to be the last hurrah of the series. Even right down to using multiple artists for the final issue. 
And this page is awesome despite being drawn by one of my least favorite artists on the book. Like everyone brought their A game here. 

But what does Bunnie and Antoine do specifically in this issue? Not much. They fight along side everyone else but that’s about it. In fact the only freedom fighter to have any plot significance is Rotor, which, given how short changed he was in past event arcs, I am perfectly fine with. There’s also some development with Tails being a something of leader that everyone rallies behind during the finale battle which is nice. 

Most of the important action however centers around the “main” characters of the comic, Knuckles, Sally, Sonic, and Eggman.
  • Eggman cuts a deal with King Max to “help” fight against the alien threat, but it’s of course a double cross. 
  • Sally, along with Nicole, trips Eggman’s trap.
  • Knuckles “returns from the dead” and in doing so stops one of the weapon’s attacks, buying time for Sonic to stop it. Which consequently results in Knuckles loosing all of his chaos powers.      
  • And Sonic reverses the weapon’s black hole effect saving the planet from destruction but seamingly dying in the process. 
Like how Antoine is a pallbearer here, but I don’t understand why Bunnie and Rotor are off to side like that. 

Only it’s quickly revealed at the end that Sonic’s not dead, just trapped in outer space. 
I’ll probably won’t cover much of the lost in space arc, so there what’s important to take away from this story, in regards to Bunnie and Antoine, are the after effects of “losing” Sonic both in their personal lives and on a world wide scale. 
I also love that’s it’s Bunnie who winds up being Sally’s shoulder to cry on. Just a simple visual reminder that yes they are best friends. I also love Twan’s awkward “I don’t know what I should be doing” look. This is the way I feel at every funeral I’ve attended. It’s not that I don’t care, it’s just that I really don’t how to respond.  

Anyways, that concludes this era of the comic. It was shorter than most but also more tedious  than most, so I guess that evens things out a bit. Be sure to tune in next time for the quarterly wrap up. 

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