Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 115

Miscellaneous Scenes - Sonic the Hedgehog 120 & 121 

There wasn’t enough material in any of these issues to justify a full review, but there was still some interesting scenes and some important events happening that I felt needed to be addressed. So I’m coalescing them all into one review. 

The first story we will be covering is “She’s Gotta Have Him” from issue 120. 
Mina decides she wants to become a freedom fighter in order to catch Sonic’s eye and spend more time with him. 
So if the Mobius Years Later arcs are to believed, than this is Tails’s first real interaction with his future wife. And as we’ve previously established, Antoine first taught Tails how to fly and he is now passing those lessons on. Meaning Twan could be the person who inadvertently brought them together, maybe? 

I don’t know for sure or anything because we never see how these two wind up together, and I don’t particularly care about their relationship one way or the other, but I thought it was a neat theory anyways.  
Look Ant, I know you have lots of experience in training new recruits, probably more so than any other freedom fighter, but wouldn’t teaching her swordplay be more effective if you gave her an actual sword to practice with? 

At the end of it all Mina decides that freedom fighting isn’t for her and she takes up singing instead. 

The second story is also from issue 120 called “The Royal Signet”. It’s a pure fluff piece involving Sally and all of the maternal figures in her life. While out spending quality time with her mom, she mentions Antoine. 
So we all know Twan has stopped crushing on Sally by this point, so why would she think that he would say such a cheesy pick-up line? Well I have a fan theory that Antoine still flirts with Sally, but in an over exaggerated way as an in-joke between the two of them. He comes up with the cheesiest, over-the-top, dumbest pick up lines he can think of and Sally joins in until they’re both giggling in a heap on the floor.

Guys I want this to be true. I need this! Please, just let me have this. Sally and Twan are my BroOTP and there’s not nearly enough interaction between them. Not any that’s just the two of them hanging out and being friends, anyways.   

The last story, “The Prince & The Revolution”, features Geoffrey and Hershey finding Prince Elias again. Turns out he’s settled down in a little village, married, and has a baby on the way. 
*snicker* Man, I really miss Elias. 

Anyways, his wife here, Meg, and his yet-to-be-born step daughter are both characters who will be of great importance to Ant’s story in the future. So take note of them now cause I won’t be talking about them much until then. 

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