Tuesday, July 10, 2018

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 164

“Iron Khan” Heavy is the Head II -  Sonic the Hedgehog # 204

Welp, we’re back in the main book again. Last we left off Bunnie nearly died and Monkey Khan was under the Iron Queen’s control. 
Sally begs him to fight against Regina’s powers as he attacks everyone. 
Including the orphans that appeared last issue.  
And as you can tell from this scene, Antoine is well and truly pissed. 

Which is a good thing, as he’s so angry that he takes on Khan by himself in order to give Sonic time to grab a power ring. 
I love this scene for several reasons. 
  1. Antoine is way out of his league. Monkey Khan is probably on the same level as Bunnie at least, if not more so since he can fight off both Mighty and Vector in this powered state. Yet despite this, he still holds his own with nothing but a sword. Antoine is bad-ass! 
  2. Second it highlights a lot of his development as a character. Not just his bravery, which we’ve known about for years now, but also his more vengeful side. We’ve seen hints of it since his return from Anti-Mobius but this is him really acting upon it for the first time. And it’s telling that it took Bunnie getting hurt for him to go off the deep end, as she was the only one reeling him in before. 
  3. And as Bunnie was the only one to notice Antoine’s change in behavior, it’s nice to see Sonic and Sally shocked by this outburst. Sadly they never comment upon it again though. 
  4. Last off, Antoine is 100% right and completely justified in his anger. Khan was the one ridiculing everyone else for not taking the Iron Queen as a threat seriously but is also the one who failed to inform everyone what she was capable of. Had Bunnie actually died and not simply been injured than there’s so no doubt in my mind that Khan would be dead right now. Powers or no. 
Shame no one else seems to agree with Twan. 

After putting the power ring on, Ken regains his consciousness and Regina and Snively retreats. Then his happens. 
Look I don’t hate Monkey Khan. I get that he’s a tragic character with a messed up past and that he screws up a lot and is trying to fix his mistakes. But trying is the operative word here. In order for him to grow he needs to be held accountable for his actions and Antoine is the only one doing so. And even then Antoine forgives him way too easily all because of a saccharine speech these kids make. 
Yeah I have a hard time buying it. I truly believe Antoine is still mad, he’s just too decent of a guy to shout obscenities in front of children. 

Sonic timely reminds Ant of his own past mistakes, which does help sell the scene better. But I believe it should have come before the apology not after. 
They’re totally brothers guys. 
Anyways Antoine leaves to check up on Bunnie and we end this story with Snively taunting his now insane uncle. Who manages to escape despite his mental faculties. 
Which we’ll get back too in two weeks, but first we’re heading back to the future come next review. 

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