Monday, July 16, 2018

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 165

“The Freedom Fighters of the Future” Mobius: 30 Years Later IV - Sonic Universe #8

So did we learn anything new about Belle and/or Jacques in this issue? 

Well they both speak French like their father, though Belle tends to speak it most. 
Also Melody saves Jacques in a role reversal from last issue.   
And from this panel we can infer that she has a crush on him. 
And that’s it. They don’t even play much of a part in defeating Chaos. They just distract it during the city’s evacuation. 

Well so much for the review…..

Head Canon Time! 

Let’s start off on an easy one. They call Antoine “Papa”. So what do they call Bunnie? Cause I don’t think it’s mentioned here. Mama? Ma? Maw? Mère? Mom? 

I’m partial to “Ma”, but “Mama” would be both very Southern and very French at the same time. 
Speaking of motherhood let’s move on the to the elephant in the room. How could Bunnie have kids, and why would those kids have cybernetics? 
Well here’s a list of theories. 
  1. Bunnie is fully derobotized in this timeline. With the kids own cybernetics being unrelated to her. Either A.) they choose to get them because it’s no longer a social taboo in the future and there’s obvious advantages to having them or B.) they’re medical replacements either due to an accident or illness like NIDS. NIDS being especially plausible as it effects the nervous system, and as it’s partially inspired by real world HIV, it could be transmitted from mother to child. And we know Buns on anti-mobius has this condition meaning Prime Bunnie could be a carrier. 
  2. Bunnie does have her robotics but is still able to have children in spite of them, but not without complications during the pregnancy which lead to the need for prosthetics for the kids.  
  3. Test tube babies. Though why not just adopt in that case? Unless some nefarious villain was like trying to clone the FFs or something. 
  4. Jacques mentions an Elemental War to Sonic, though being erased from the timeline means that he no longer remembers it. 
However both Jacques, Lara-Su, and presumably Belle and Argyle do have memories of the war. We aren’t given specific info on when this happened or what ages the children were during it or even their ages now. Lara-su seems to be more of a young adult here rather then a teen with the twins being friends of Argyle’s suggesting they’re close in age. It’s possible that Belle and Jacques fought in this new war to some degree. Given that they have weapon attachments to their robotics further aligns to that. Could be they choose to receive cybernetics to fight with (thanks Uncle Bo) or were injured in the war. Also it was a magical war so magic could be involved as well. 

Of course this is all assuming that the “Ixis Resurgence” wasn’t what Flynn was building up to with Naugus’s take over before the reboot. 

Which leads me to the last set of fan theories…How do alternate timelines work in the Archie Sonic universe and how are they different from alternate universes? 

So remember when I covered that Guardians of the Galaxy parody that the comic did?  

One of the things I found frustrating about it was that it stated that alternate universes are in fact alternate timelines. Following the theory that if you change the past, you’ll just wind up in an alternate universe while your previous timeline carries on without you. 

This is a theory not supported within the comic itself. For starters, anyone can come and go between alternate worlds at anytime and those worlds still exist regardless of their actions. However only a few people can travel through time and time can be changed. Events and people can be erased or reshaped. Special equipment is needed to keep you within the world if you become out of sync with time. 

To summarize Silver wouldn’t need to time travel to change his past if he could just zone hop to a world where a good future has already happened. As infinite possibilities create infinite worlds, meaning a good timeline already exists and doesn’t need to be saved or made. 

So I therefore maintain that alternate worlds are not the same thing as future timelines. Different worlds are concrete. The future is not. It is in flux and follows the Back to the Future theory of time travel. If you screw up and erase yourself then it’s game over. 

Which begs the question, “How did Sonic come back from being “erased”? 
Well, I also have an idea. 

The event that forced him to go back in time didn’t just threaten Mobius prime it threaten the whole multi-verse. Kind of like another certain event that threatened the whole multi-verse…
Yeah, I believe that the 30 years later arc, the second half of it anyways, is actually the future of the reboot. 

Think about it, Antoine is still alive, Bunnie is able to have kids which in the reboot is more plausible due to her different origins, Sally is queen and Elias is no where to be found nor even mentioned, Shadows development from the original continuity didn’t happen, and Archie exclusive characters from the old continuity must wear special devices or be erased from existence.  

Sonic wasn’t erased from time he was displaced into a recreated world. There’s two Sonics, present sonic that caused the reboot and future Sonic that traveled through the genesis wave into the altered timeline. Present Sonic as some point disappeared either by dying or was erased due to the paradox of having to Sonics leaving only future Sonic.  Add in the fact that reboot messed with everyone memories and you can see how that paradox could effect them again.

The only niggle in this head cannon is Lara-Su and Julie-Su. It’s never stated if they have those devices or not. But it’s not hard to assume that if Lien-da and Tails could access them then so could Knuckles for his family. 

So yeah there’s my long ass list of head cannons for this series. Feel fee to reply with your own. 

Next week we’ll go back to the main timeline again. 

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