Monday, July 23, 2018

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 166

“All the Eggs in One Basket” On the Run I -  Sonic the Hedgehog #205

So this story concerns an insane Eggman escaping the Iron Dominion and both them and Sonic racing to capture him and bring into their own custody. 
But enough of that lets move on to why we’re really here.   
Bunnie is safe and sound in the hospital, though Doctor Quack does give us another hint to her physiology. 

He claims she had to be pumped up with electrolytes. Electrolytes are chemicals that conduct electricity when mixed with water.They regulate nerve and muscle function, hydrate the body, balance blood acidity and pressure, and help rebuild damaged tissue.

Common causes of electrolyte imbalance are dehydration, over exhaustion, kidney disease, and congestive heart failure. This suggests three things. 
  1. First, I think we can safely rule out kidney failure as it’s clearly stated her robotics are her root cause. Also we’re not even sure the extant to which her lower half has been robotized. To suggest that her kidneys have failed her due to her robotics now would also imply other more completed problems with her digestive track that would need more constant attention. Meaning she’d be on deaths door long before this point if this was the case.
  2. This leaves overexertion, leading to dehydration and possible heart failure, as the most plausible outcome. Meaning it’s also possible that her limbs aren’t simply draining her energy or “life force” as Regina put it, but rather she has to use the muscles in her organic body to move her limbs which could lead to exhaustion same as any fully organic person would do if they exercised too hard. 
  3. Last off, if my theory about her limbs being directly wired to her nervous system is true then it’s still possible that using them burns up the electrolytes in her nerves. Meaning she may have a lot of Gatorade and water bottles stashed around her house and HQ. However as I’m neither a doctor nor a robotic engineer, I’d take this last theory with a grain of salt.  
Moving on, Khan apologizes  again and both Bunnie and Antoine forgive him. 
Now I buy Antoine sincerely forgiving Monkey Khan this time around, as oppose to last issue, because Bunnie is safe and has had the time to calmly talk Antoine down. 

And that’s pretty much it for Ant and Bunnie during this arc as Sonic leaves to take care of the threat of the day. 
But they’ll be recurring regularly through out the larger Iron Dominion plot. Even if it’s just a scene here and there, I intend to cover them all. As such we’ll be sticking to the main book for awhile now instead of switching between it and Sonic Universe like I have been. So stay tune for that. 

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