Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 167

“Troubles by the Dozen” On the Run II -  Sonic the Hedgehog #206

Last we left off Sonic and the Freedom Fighters were battling the Iron Dominion over who got to keep Eggman in custody.  
The FFs do mange to capture Eggman and hold off most of Regina’a forces but the Iron King proves to be more of a problem. 
Which leads to this delightful scene. 
I love this scene. It’s not much, but it just reaffirms just how much like siblings Sonic and Antoine really are. Even with their rivalry put to rest they’re still teasing one another like brothers. 

 Anyways, once everybody is safe behind the city’s shield we get another awesome scene, with Bunnie this time. 
Like I said it’s not much. None of this really furthers either of their characters nor does it impact the story. But it does add flavor to the proceedings while also keeping them in the foreground. Reminding the audience that they exist and that they do have a larger part to play as the story carries on.  

And we’ll return to that story next week on the retrospective. 

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