Friday, October 21, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 100

Thank Yous, Dedications, and Announcements  

So I’ve made to the 100th issue of Sonic the Hedgehog and any sequential comics published there in for this marathon, and I have to be honest I never once thought I’d get this far. I’ve done long running marathons before but I’ve never finished them for one reason or other. Mainly because of lack of motivation or from getting fandom burnout. But this retrospective is still going strong and I have plans of quitting now. 

And all this is thanks to you my loyal readers. I want to give a big thank you to everyone who has ever read, commented, liked, reblogged, lurked around my blogs, or followed me for my reviews. Your support matters a lot to me and helps to keep me going. And if you’re just now joining me, welcome. :D

Hear is a shout out some of my regulars…
I apologize in advance if I missed anybody. There’s just so many of you guys. It utterly blows my mind that so many people give crap about what I have to say about fictional characters! You guys are awesome!

Now for a special dedication. 

I want to give an extra special shout out to @shewhowantsmouseears
A few months ago, and by a few I mean like half a year ago, I stumbled upon a great in depth breakdown of Antoine D’Coolette’s character development over the coarse of the comic. Her “Antoine D’Coolette Master Post” is what inspired me to reread through the comics again and to look back at both Bunnie’s and Antoine’s development with a more analytical eye. She’s the one responsible for the long ass marathon we’re going through today. So be sure to check her out. And you can find and read her master post here….
Now for the announcements part. I’ll be taking a short hiatus from the retrospective for a few weeks. I have some really stuff I need to do and I want to focus on my other marathon that I’m co-currently running this month. I’m hoping to finish my Month of Scooby-Doo review series by November the 2nd so I’m going to buckle down on it instead for awhile. So ya guys later. 

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