Saturday, October 15, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 97

“Blow by Blow” - Sonic the Hedgehog #99 

So here we have the final lead up to the 100th issue. The last stones fall into place and our heroes come together to take down Eggman,…. sort of. 

You see the Freedom Fighters have been split into two teams for this arc. Not cause it makes any sort of sense to do so strategy wise, but because of, you guessed it, unnecessary love triangle bullshit!  

Sally has finally snuck out of the castle to see Sonic. Who just so happens to be training Mina at that time and, she just happens to choose that time to make her move on him. 
This is all so stupid, I swear! You can’t make everyone likable by making them all oblivious non-communicative jackasses. When writing a triangle someone either has to be a deliberate asshole or needs to be an unrequited love. There is no in between here. At least one, if not all, parties involved need to be aware of each other and their established feelings/previous relationships, otherwise everyone winds up looking like a idiot.   

Case in point. Mina is an idiot for trying to kiss someone without ever indicating her affections to them before hand nor asking their permission to be kissed. I don’t care how unsexy, unromantic, or awkward it maybe; don’t ever kiss someone that you aren’t in an established relationship with without asking them first or at the very least telling them outright that you have feelings for them. I am so sick and tired of seeing female characters get away with non-consensual sexual behavior all because they are female. If you drag Locke or Geoffrey for this bullshit then don’t you dare give Mina a pass for it either. 

Sonic is an idiot for not talking things out with neither Mina nor Sally. All he had to say was, “Sorry I’m already in a relationship, but we can still be friends if you want.” It’s as easy as that. He also should have run over and explained to Sally what happened. And don’t give me “she was in disguise” bit. It was a dumbass disguise that barely hid who she was, and even then, Sonic should have told her what happened as soon as he was free and able to do so. Even if he didn’t know she was there to see it happen. It’s called being honest with your partner. 

Sally’s an idiot for not confronting both of them over what happened, right then and there. She and Sonic have been officially dating for over a year now. Seeing him kissing another girl, after not seeing him for two months, is enough to for her to be concerned. But not enough for her hang her head and cry and not go kick his ass. I can’t believe that take charge Sally, meditating peacemaker Sally, take no shit from anyone Sally would just stand there and not do anything about what’s going on. Oh wait, I do believe it, cause Sally has become a martyr of her own making. A person who refuses to just talk about her problems and must regally suffer in silence. *gag* I blame Max. 

Anyways, Kudos escapes the hospital he was imprisoned in. Presumably to hunt down Uma and the sword of acorns. Sally recruits Tails and Rotor to help track both down. 
Sure, Sally, sure…you just keep telling yourself that. 

Meanwhile, Nate Morgan, asks Sonic’s help with freeing the Overlanders from Robopolis. Turns out the air over there is toxic and they could all die even if Eggman doesn’t kill them outright. Sonic in turn goes off to recruit Antoine and Bunnie for the job. Where we find out what Ant’s been up to this whole time. 
First things first, Oh thank goodness Bunnie’s out of that stupid ass outfit! Her hair is still in that mid length style, but the artist manages to make it work, so I’m ok with it. 

Secondly, poor Twan, all his friends are off at school have adventures and all he can to is helplessly watch his sick papa behind bars all day long. He must be so lonely and distraught.  
The story ends with everyone setting off to accomplish their tasks and a cliffhanger where Kudos is about to attack Sally, more on that next on the retrospective. 

The second story has Green Knuckles travel through time to stop the Dark Legion from sending the floating island into another dimension. It sounds more exciting than it actually is. 

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