Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 94

“New Order” - Sonic the Hedgehog #94

So we’ve time skipped ahead two months now and many things have changed. Knothole has been expanded into an actual full blown city, while the Overlanders are living in Robopolis. Eggman has lead them to believe that the great war is still going on and that the Mobians are dangerous to them.  But the biggest change, regarding the on going story, is that a new school has been built and Sonic and company are expected to go. 
Everyone save Antoine that is, who is now considered a legal adult. Issue #90 stated his age was 19 in the fan letters, meaning he must have had a birthday very recently if he was still 18 during Sonic’s 16th birthday. 

Sonic is complaining about this cause he has no chill. I can just imagine the argument this would cause between him and Ant. He’d berate Sonic for being ungrateful, a normal school life is something he missed out on due to the war. Sonic in turn would be jealous of Twan’s freedom and be all confused as to why high school and boring homework would be such a big deal to him.  
Also losing his knighthood apparently stripped him of his status as Freedom Fighter and solider all together and he now no longer is allowed to leave knothole at all. Do I smell a stinking skunk some where around here? 

Also Bunnie playing video games with Rotor is so cute. He really needs to interact with the other members of  FFs more often.

First day of school rolls around and we get the first major redesign for Bunnie since her new limbs; “Daisy Dukes Bunnie.” 
I can’t say I’m a fan. The style was already a dated southern stereotype back in the early 2000s when this was released, and there’s a lot wrong with it in pure design terms; from the unbalanced color scheme to the covering up of her more unique character features. The artist Fry here , is one of the few people working on the book who manages to make it look half way decent. But I’ll be doing a more comprehensive break down of all of the Freedom Fighters various character designs over the years later in the retrospective. 

Also who thought it was a good idea to have hip-hop Rotor here?
Jeez, Bunnie, who pissed in your cornflakes this morning? Mina has done nothing to you nor Sonic. And you can’t even claim that its because she’s Sally rival, because she hasn’t said anything to Sonic nor anybody else about her feelings, and Sonic in turn doesn’t treat her any differently than any other friend. 

Love Triangles; making people dumber since the dawn of literature. Even those who are not directly involved and should probably just mind their own business.  

The comic ends with the reveal that Sally won’t be tending high school with her friends. The same Sally who hasn’t been seen in six weeks and hasn’t been allowed to go out of her house and join missions. Restricting your access to outside influences and relationships is yet another sign of abuse. Good gosh, why has no one tried to help this poor child yet? Why comic? 
The back story this issue is yet more misadventures with Green Knuckles. 

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