Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 98

“Reunion” - Sonic the Hedgehog #100  

So issue 100 is a little different from the other event issues I’ve covered so far. Most milestone issues either are a special one shot story or the conclusion of some grand story arc. “Reunion” and the backup story are neither of these things. Rather they are the very middle of their respective arcs. This story is the climax, while the resolution for the arc will appear in the next issue kicking off the next era.

Therefore what makes issue 100 an event and not just because it’s number 100? Well the sword of acorns is finally recovered, the robians are freed, and four people die. Three of which are named recurring characters. 

First there’s some random dude that Eggman kills while experimenting on him. It’s a pretty intense scene. 
For some reason the robotization process on Overlanders renders them completely immobile and fully brain dead so they’re statues of corpses in essence. 

The second to die is Uma Arachnis. She had apparently been poisoned by the toxic air in Robotropolis. Which is why she had stolen the sword in the first place, because it’s known to have healing properties. 

Kudos, after getting his butt kicked by Bunnie and Antoine…. (the only worth while thing they’ll contribute to this issue. Their important scenes in this story arc are during the next issue, which is why they’re here now) 
Battle couples are the best!

As I was saying, after Kudos gets his ass handed to him, Sally straight up murders him! Well, a possessed Sally does anyways. 
Yeah, it’s heavily implied that the sword is controlling her to some degree. However it’s not all the time and she’s back to her usual self by the next panel. The way she slips in and out of her possessed state makes it harder for her friends to catch on. Like, she’s been acting weird and all secluded from everyone for weeks now, so they don’t know whats going on.  

The last person to die is Nate Morgan. When everyone heads to the city to free the Robians he nobly stays behind to let down the force field that’s trapping them but in doing so allows Eggman to put the robotic Midas touch on him. 
It’s for the best really. I’m one of the few that’s fairly ambivalent towards Nate. I don’t hate him, but it was obvious from the get go that he was a redundant character, only there to replace Rotor and Uncle Chuck as the smart guy, as they went missing for much of this era. (Even though Tails by this time had been established as the “smart guy” in the games and this could have been the opportunity to introduce that element into the comic, oh well…) But they’re both back now and it’s high past time Nate left. Having him be a heroic sacrifice helps, for me at least, to be little more accepting of his previous existence. 

 The back up story features Green Knuckles joining the “dark side” in order to save the ones he loves. Once again it’s far less exciting than it sounds. 

We will continue with this arc after my usual 25 recap, and a special 100th issue of my own, so stay tuned, folks. 

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