Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 93

“Crime ‘n  Punishment” - Sonic the Hedgehog #93   

Bunnie and Antoine are back, with Armand in tow. 
And still no mention of where Amy Rose is or how she’s to get back. 

Sonic and Nate fills them in on what they missed out on while gone. 

Sonic stole the Sword of Acorns from the king, which got stolen by Eggman. Unbeknownst to Sonic, it gets stolen from Eggman by Uma Arachnis who gives it to Kudos. Only to steal it back from him in today’s issue. 

Said sword can cure Robians of their brainwashing and Uncle Chuck now has his mind back and is working as a double agent again.    

King Max the Douche is paralyzed from the waist down. He decides to appoint an unwilling Elias as acting king. Everyone thinks this is a bad idea and believes Sally should be in charge cause she has the most experience. They even say as much, but only behind the king’s back. The only person who goes along with all this bullshit is Alicia, who, having just awoken from a coma, is pretty oblivious to what’s going on and how her children really feel.  

The Overlanders who fought during the great war are back from space and they fall for Eggman’s obvious trap. Due in part to their prejudices of Mobians and because Monkey Khan is kind of an idiot. The only thing you need to take away from this is that Snively’s sister, Hope, is with them. 

Oh and Geoffrey starts to show his true colors….
This all culminates to Sonic losing his knighthood. Which honestly doesn’t mean a damn thing in the grand scheme of things. Makes you kind of wonder why that was ever a plot point to begin with. 

The second story this issue is the continuing misadventures of Green Knuckles. Complete with some really shitty art work. 
Everything about this image is so wrong on so many levels that it boggles the mind. The story itself is a mixed bag when it comes to the art work with some images being half way decent, so I can’t claim that this story is the worst the comic has even seen. Not by a long shot. But this is a strong contender for the worst individual panel ever. 

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