Sunday, January 29, 2017

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 126

“Say You Will” Home: Epilogue - Sonic the Hedgehog #134 

The epilogue for the Home arc is one of those character driven, “lets slow down and focus on establishing the new direction” type stories in the same vain as “A Brave New World”, “A Day in the Life”, and “Changes.” I’m generally fond of these types of stories and personally feel some of the above issues are some of the best in the comic. However, while I did still enjoy today’s issue to some degree, I can’t help but feel something was slightly, well, “off” about it. 

For starters the pacing has problems. The previous stories had the whole of the comic to tell their tale. This story has to share page space with a second running arc. (I’m beginning to resent M25YL a little more than I did before) The story has so many characters to catch up with that as soon as it feels like we getting somewhere with one we’re suddenly off to see about another. It’s kind of jarring. 

The second problem is more behind the scenes driven and revolves around a certain writer not understanding a certain character and their relationship with another certain character. More on that later. 

So what do we learn about the characters, well… 
  • Sonic can understand his dog Muttski due to a babelfish implant he got during the Tossed in Space arc. This is a plot point that won’t go anywhere. 
  • Doctor Quack lost an eye
  • Jules finds out he is still a robot due to his injures being too severe
  • Tails learns about his parents, and is crushing on Fiona again
  • Rotor has become less of a field agent and more of an inventor though that’s really nothing new
  • Knuckles and the Chaotix retreated to Knothole when Eggman took over Angel Island
  • Mina is now a full time singer and is dating her manger, Ash 
  • Geoffrey and Hershey leave to go on their honeymoon 
  • King Max is going on a world tour to gain support from neighboring nations leaving Sally in charge while he is away 
  • The king also wants Antoine to accompany him as his personal bodyguard
And Bunnie explains why her and Antoine broke up……. Well, sort of. 
Ok so here is the deal, the writers are trying to create a mystery around Antoine’s sudden change in behavior. He’s all brooding and serious now; standoffish in a way he never was before. Cutting ties to the people closest to him. The idea was to slowly reveal how he came to be this way and what events unfolded in the missing year that effected him so. The problem with this? The writers can’t agree on how this development should unfold!  

Both Karl Bollers and Ken Penders were in disagreement over Antoine’s character arc during this era. They were openly feuding with each other, and while I don’t know if this is what started the argument, I do know that Antoine’s story became the major battle ground between them. Permanently ending their partnership and eventually leading to both leaving the book altogether. 

This makes reviewing this particular era difficult. I can’t discuss character motivation without revealing the ultimate twist that would explain Antoine’s behavior. And I can’t discuss the big reveal without going into the behind the scene politics and the alternate ideas that everybody was throwing around at the time.      

However, since there is a lot to cover, I’m going to try my best to drip feed you the details so that I’m not just info dumping on you all at once. So I’ll leave you pondering a little longer and let you guess your own theories before jumping into the nitty gritty.  

In the meanwhile I need to address the biggest criticism of this issue, The Slap. 
So some context first. All through out the story Sally had been trying to pull Sonic aside and have a talk with him about their future together. Only for other people to continually interrupt her before she could. During a photo opt. for the press she tried to bring it up again only for both of them to blow up at each other, in front of everybody!   

There’s three main things wrong with this. 
  1. Sally could have waited until after the party or right before it to have this conversation. Making a scene and slapping someone in front of the entire city on a stage is forced drama on the part of the writer.   
  2. Said writer, Bollers, is deliberately writing Sally OOC in order to assassinate both her character and her established relationship with Sonic. A relationship that he never understood how to write for to begin with. Either making them uncommunicative jackasses or sickly sweet “lets plan our wedding” lovely dovey. Seriously, Sonally isn’t the type of couple who would use cutesy pet names, just saying. 
  3. The reason why Bollers is doing this is to cash in on the shipping wars that were running rampant in the fandom. SatAM and comic fans were mainly pro-Sonally, while Sonic X and and game fans were mostly for Sonamy. Unfortunately, Amy’s a ten year old in the comic and Sonally has been around since the comic’s beginning so none of this makes any sense continuity wise. But Bollers doesn’t care about continuity, even his own, and that is perhaps the most aggravating thing about him as a writer.     
However, despite all of the bullshit reasoning behind this, I’m going to try to defend this development from a in-story character stand point. 

If you’ve been following my reviews, you’ll know by now that Sally is clearly an abuse survivor. Her controlling dick-weed father has tried time and time again to ostracize her from her friends. Keeping her locked in the palace, forcing her to be home schooled away from her friends, preventing her from going on field missions ect. He did finally relent and allowed her to be acting ruler/heir to the throne but only because Elias ran away. There’s nothing to indicate that he let up during the past year. In fact without Sonic around, I dare say Sally would have been even more reclusive and a perfect target for a her dad’s manipulative abuse.  

Now add in the fact that Sally’s been known to deflect her frustrations with her dad onto others and has a real problem opening up to people, there was bound to be a angry blow out sooner or later. Her not being able to protect Sonic on missions just happened to be the breaking point. She suffered from depression for a year due to losing him and taking a page from father’s book decided to try and keep him close to her and “safe” through manipulation. Only Sonic of course wouldn’t go along with it. He hasn’t been conditioned like Sally has. 

Yeah it’s stupid and irrational, and probably not conscious on Sally’s part. Abuse survivors can pick up on manipulation tactics and other such learned behaviors and fall back on them as a defense mechanism. Sally may be in charge, but she’s not in control. She’s still doing daddy’s bidding rather than following her heart. 

Unfortunately, the writers aren’t self aware enough to make this into a plot point and to build character off of it. This could have led into Sally realizing she needs to escape her father and get help rather than just being a break up for the sake of cheap drama.   
In short I don’t hate the slap itself, I just hate what came after it. 

Oh an there’s more M25YL in this issue, but it’s not important. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 125

“Finale” Home IV - Sonic the Hedgehog #133

Everything picks back up where we left off last time. Sonic’s still fighting Mecha, Tails is trying to out wit ADAM, Sally’s freaking out over possibly losing Sonic again, and Team Red is taking on an army of robots. Only thing new is Shadow joins up with Team Blue to fight Eggman.

So it’s up to Bunnie to save the day! 
Sonic sends Bunnie to take out the nukes Eggman is planing to fire and he tells her to take Antoine as backup. Which is when get this bomb shell dropped on us….
Yup that should pretty much sum up everybody’s feelings when reading this. 

Now here’s the thing, I like drama as much as the next person. Considering that a whole year has past with out us being privy to it, this is a pretty effective reveal. One that sets up more mystery and some possible good story directions.  

However we will never see any those possible good plots and will instead get some really, really stupid shit. More on that next issue, though. Here it’s fine. I won’t fault this story for the bullshit that’ll come later. 

Anyways, Bunnie’s not done kicking ass as she has to destroy Eggman’s base and stop his missiles from launching. 
Tails meanwhile not only tricks Adam but shows him the meaning of “fun”, sowing the seeds for his future betrayal of Eggman. Without him all of Eggman’s robots just stop, saving Robotpolis. 

I still really enjoy this story arc. It’s well paced, it still feels fresh, there’s lots of mystery and action to be had, and everyone gets to participate. Giving each character a chance to show off who they are and they’re talents. 

On the other side of this issue is more M25YL. 

Saturday, January 21, 2017

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 124

“A.D.A.M. & Evil” Home III - Sonic the Hedgehog #132

So not much happens in this issue,… well that’s a lie, a lot does actually happen and it’s all very interesting and entertaining stuff, but none of it involves Bunnie and Antoine. So what does happen?

Well, first Robotnik officially introduces his new henchmen Mecha and A.D.A.M. We met them earlier but here we get to see them in action and figure out their purpose with in the story. M, as she is called, is a mindless, emotionless, robotic thug who blindly obeys Eggman’s every wish and acts as his personal body guard. She’s basically the Archie Sonic equivalent of the terminator. While her “brother” Adam is an artificial intelligence who can think for himself, but has no body of his own. He instead infects other software in order to take control of other machinery. Sonic takes on M, while Tails has to out smart Adam and it makes for a really good fight.   
Meanwhile Amy and Vector team up to take out half of Robotnik’s army. *insert fangirl squeeing here* While Sally is shown to still be under her parents thumb. 
I want ya’ll to remember this scene cause I’m going to come back to it very soon. 

So therefore, what does Bunnie and Ant do? 

They have a lovers’ spat. 
Now, I’m usually all for lovers’ quarrels, especially with couples that are really tight and usually in agreement over everything. It shows that relationships aren’t prefect nor easy. But this isn’t that. There’s no build up to it, and no resolvement of conflict. That’s because this is actually foreshadowing for a major plot point that’ll be revealed later. A very small hint that not everything is fine in paradise. 

The second story is more M25YL and I do want to comment one thing. 
It was revealed years later by Penders that Rotor and Colbar here, are meant to be gay and in a relationship together. Because “friend” is  the prefect term of endearment and pet name for a romantic and possibly sexual couple of 20 plus years. 
It’s stupid half-assed bullshit that comes across as patronizing and offensive. 
Given their interaction here and Rotor’s lack of romantic interests up till now, it’s far more believable to state that Rotor is aroace and he and Colbar are platonic life partners at best.    

Thursday, January 19, 2017

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 123

“The Gathering” Home II - Sonic the Hedgehog #131

So this issue is all just set up for the next. We got two teams. Team Blue, which consists of Sonic, Tails, Fiona, Espio, Geoffrey, Hershey, Bunnie, and Antoine.  They’re off to attack Eggman’s base directly.
 And then we have Team Red which features, Knuckles, Vector, Julie-Su, Mighty, Amy Rose, and Rouge is on her way to join them with G.U. N. 
Look, Amy’s first official mission is with Vector! Be still my shipping heart. 
All the while Rotor and Sally are left in Knothole to be the central communication hub and direct the two teams.
As I’ve stated before, I really love it when the comic switches up teams and allows characters to interact with other people besides just their best friends. Unfortunately there’s very little room for interaction as the issue pretty much stops as soon as it gets going. But I still appreciate the effort. 

Now as for team red’s mission, they sent as reinforcements to help protect Robotropolis. Remember the city was destroyed in issue 110, but the remains are now radioactive and held behind a containment field. The Acorn army has to protect it 24/7 and look who’s leading the troops. 
That’s right! It’s General D’Coolette. I think this scene just highlights once again why I consider Armand to be the best dad in the series. He’s the only parental figure who fights right along side our heroes. First during the battle of Xorda and now here. All the other adults are either retired or were never warriors to began with. 

The sole exception to this is Uncle Chuck, who’s there more for espionage and tech support, and Locke, who’s an asshole and is fairly useless along with the rest of the Brotherhood. 

Speaking of useless echidnas, this issues also kick’s off the Mobius 25 Years Later arc.  
Now I don’t hate this story as much as some. It is, after all, a harmless AU that really doesn’t effect anything story wise; much like 90% of the Zone Wars stuff. And as a fanfic writer I owe this story a lot, cause it did manage to offer up plenty of neat ideas to play with. Unfortunately very few of those ideas were executed well within the comic itself. 

However, I can’t help but be a little miffed that the comic is returning to multiple separate story arcs so soon after seemingly giving them up for good. Guys, compressed story telling was the main problem for the past two eras. Why bring this back now when you just proved you could write stronger stories when they’re allowed room to breathe. You couldn’t wait just three more issues before starting this up again. Blah! 

Sunday, January 15, 2017

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 122

“The Blue Blur Returns” Home I - Sonic the Hedgehog #130

Guys, I have a confession to make. I really, really, unironically, love this arc. Despite it’s various flaws, which I will get into. Despite all of the crap that will spawn from it in the future. This is still one of my favorite story arcs in the comic. (There’s three or four others I possibly enjoy more, but we haven’t gotten to them yet) 

Sonic finally arrives back on Mobius, only to realize he’s been gone for over a year and everyone believed him to be dead.

The first issue of the arc is primarily dedicated to showing us and Sonic what exactly has changed over the past year.    

There’s some natural progression, like Hersey and Geoffrey getting married. 
I love this scene cause it shows off just how sadistic this version of Eggman can be. Which helps to differentiate him from Robotnik.  

Or Knothole developing and growing into a more modern city.  
But we also get some some surprising reveals that are meant to set up future story lines and add a bit of mystery to the comic. 

Like Eggman now having “children” of his own. 
And then there’s this. 
Now I’m certain most of my followers who have read this era of the comics are just dying for me to discuss this “mystery” in greater detail. However, for the benefit of my readers who haven’t read the pre-reboot, I’m going to hold off for now. 

I haven’t decided yet if I’m going to wait till the reveal itself. Though up till now, I’ve always talked about the plot twists in the comic as I came upon them. I’m not sure it’s possible to do so with this sub-plot considering all of the behind the scene stuff that went on during it, but I want those who haven’t experienced this story for themselves to get a little bit of an idea of what it was like reading through it for the first time. 

As for the flaws I mentioned. This issue can get a little exposition heavy. There’s a lot of scenes that are just info dumping. However we also get amazing scenes like this mixed in with that. 
Like damn, that is fantastic! It’s rare for this comic have such a cinematic look to it, or to even just slow down just let you feel the emotion of a scene. So much so that this page really stands out among the pack. 

There’s also a lot more to recommend about this issue. It’s like every problem I had with the previous era has been washed away. No condensed story telling. No backups with Knuckles; he’s fully integrated into the comic’s story now. No seemingly out of place one shots that go no where. Stories are now connected and events that happened in previous stories now have actual consequences that do effect the characters. And most of all?  IT’S NOT BORING! 

It’s new! It’s different! It’s intriguing! It’s like a breath of fresh air after the staleness of the past two eras. Now real question is, will the arc remain this good after this issue? Find out next time on the Retrospective! 

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 121

“Welcome to the Wheelworld” Tossed in SpaceVII - Sonic the Hedgehog #129  

Welcome back to the the retrospective. We’ve skipped over most of the Tossed in Space arc. Not only because it doesn’t feature Bunnie nor Antoine, but also because most of what happens in it has very little relevance to the rest of the comic. 

Save for two things. In the first part of the arc it’s established that there are other multi-colored chaos emeralds in the universe and they have different properties from the green Mobius variety. This second is this issue, where we finally reveal what happened in “The Last Robian”.     
So as we saw previously the Bem know how to robotize and derobotize at whim. However it was a rogue Bem scientist who derobotized everyone, against the wishes of the Bem high council. 

Still doesn’t explain why she decided to wipe everybody’s memories. Nor why the comic decided to keep her identity a secret until now since we were introduced to the Bem just a few issues before that. And we still don’t get any explanation as to why the all the cyborgs on the planet were ignored during the process.

Anyways the other important thing to happen in the comic is that Sonic discovers Tails’s parents alive and well on the Bem planet. They were abducted and cured years ago, but have since been stuck there. 

Sonic manages to find a way home but it’s a one seater. They insist he takes it back while they remain behind for now. Ending the Tossed in Space arc. 
Well one of the Mobian moons. Still better contuinty than the actual games and the comic didn’t even fully cover SA2. 

Next we’ll cover one of the more controversial arcs in the series.