Thursday, January 19, 2017

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 123

“The Gathering” Home II - Sonic the Hedgehog #131

So this issue is all just set up for the next. We got two teams. Team Blue, which consists of Sonic, Tails, Fiona, Espio, Geoffrey, Hershey, Bunnie, and Antoine.  They’re off to attack Eggman’s base directly.
 And then we have Team Red which features, Knuckles, Vector, Julie-Su, Mighty, Amy Rose, and Rouge is on her way to join them with G.U. N. 
Look, Amy’s first official mission is with Vector! Be still my shipping heart. 
All the while Rotor and Sally are left in Knothole to be the central communication hub and direct the two teams.
As I’ve stated before, I really love it when the comic switches up teams and allows characters to interact with other people besides just their best friends. Unfortunately there’s very little room for interaction as the issue pretty much stops as soon as it gets going. But I still appreciate the effort. 

Now as for team red’s mission, they sent as reinforcements to help protect Robotropolis. Remember the city was destroyed in issue 110, but the remains are now radioactive and held behind a containment field. The Acorn army has to protect it 24/7 and look who’s leading the troops. 
That’s right! It’s General D’Coolette. I think this scene just highlights once again why I consider Armand to be the best dad in the series. He’s the only parental figure who fights right along side our heroes. First during the battle of Xorda and now here. All the other adults are either retired or were never warriors to began with. 

The sole exception to this is Uncle Chuck, who’s there more for espionage and tech support, and Locke, who’s an asshole and is fairly useless along with the rest of the Brotherhood. 

Speaking of useless echidnas, this issues also kick’s off the Mobius 25 Years Later arc.  
Now I don’t hate this story as much as some. It is, after all, a harmless AU that really doesn’t effect anything story wise; much like 90% of the Zone Wars stuff. And as a fanfic writer I owe this story a lot, cause it did manage to offer up plenty of neat ideas to play with. Unfortunately very few of those ideas were executed well within the comic itself. 

However, I can’t help but be a little miffed that the comic is returning to multiple separate story arcs so soon after seemingly giving them up for good. Guys, compressed story telling was the main problem for the past two eras. Why bring this back now when you just proved you could write stronger stories when they’re allowed room to breathe. You couldn’t wait just three more issues before starting this up again. Blah! 

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