Saturday, January 21, 2017

The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 124

“A.D.A.M. & Evil” Home III - Sonic the Hedgehog #132

So not much happens in this issue,… well that’s a lie, a lot does actually happen and it’s all very interesting and entertaining stuff, but none of it involves Bunnie and Antoine. So what does happen?

Well, first Robotnik officially introduces his new henchmen Mecha and A.D.A.M. We met them earlier but here we get to see them in action and figure out their purpose with in the story. M, as she is called, is a mindless, emotionless, robotic thug who blindly obeys Eggman’s every wish and acts as his personal body guard. She’s basically the Archie Sonic equivalent of the terminator. While her “brother” Adam is an artificial intelligence who can think for himself, but has no body of his own. He instead infects other software in order to take control of other machinery. Sonic takes on M, while Tails has to out smart Adam and it makes for a really good fight.   
Meanwhile Amy and Vector team up to take out half of Robotnik’s army. *insert fangirl squeeing here* While Sally is shown to still be under her parents thumb. 
I want ya’ll to remember this scene cause I’m going to come back to it very soon. 

So therefore, what does Bunnie and Ant do? 

They have a lovers’ spat. 
Now, I’m usually all for lovers’ quarrels, especially with couples that are really tight and usually in agreement over everything. It shows that relationships aren’t prefect nor easy. But this isn’t that. There’s no build up to it, and no resolvement of conflict. That’s because this is actually foreshadowing for a major plot point that’ll be revealed later. A very small hint that not everything is fine in paradise. 

The second story is more M25YL and I do want to comment one thing. 
It was revealed years later by Penders that Rotor and Colbar here, are meant to be gay and in a relationship together. Because “friend” is  the prefect term of endearment and pet name for a romantic and possibly sexual couple of 20 plus years. 
It’s stupid half-assed bullshit that comes across as patronizing and offensive. 
Given their interaction here and Rotor’s lack of romantic interests up till now, it’s far more believable to state that Rotor is aroace and he and Colbar are platonic life partners at best.    

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